Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/SOP40100
Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP (0)
Series: Sales
Display Name: Sales Setup Group Display Name: Sales Setup
Physical Name: SOP40100
Technical Name: SOP_SETP
Group Technical Name: Sales Setup
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length | |
1 | COMMNTID | Comment ID | String | STR15_Comment_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Comment Master (SY04200).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Sales Setup'].COMMNTID AS 'Sales Setup-Comment ID'
,['Comment Master'].COMMNTID AS 'Comment Master-Comment ID'
SOP40100 AS ['Sales Setup']
SY04200 AS ['Comment Master']
['Sales Setup'].COMMNTID = ['Comment Master'].COMMNTID | ||||||
2 | SETUPKEY | Setup Key | Integer | INT | 0 | |
3 | DPYITMCS | Display Item Unit Cost | Boolean | CB_Display_Item_Unit_Cost | 0 | |
4 | DQTYSWAR | Display Quantity Distribution Warning | Boolean | CB_Display_Quantity_Distribution_Warning | 0 | |
5 | TRKVDTRX | Track Voided Trx In History | Boolean | CB_Track_Voided_Trx_In_History | 0 | |
6 | CALCKITC | Calculate Kit Price Based On Component Cost | Boolean | CB_Calculate_Kit_Price_Based_On_Component_Cost | 0 | |
7 | NEWRATES | Search for New Rates During Transfer | Boolean | CB_Pull_New_Exchange_Rates | 0 | |
8 | TRMSTNUM | Track Master Numbers | Boolean | CB_Track_Master_Numbers | 0 | |
9 | NXTMSTNO | Next Master Number | Long Integer | LI_MasterNumber | 9 | |
10 | QUOTE | Quote | Boolean | CB_Quote | 0 | |
11 | PRDER | Order | Boolean | CB_Order | 0 | |
12 | INVORETU | Invoice/Return | Boolean | CB_Invoice/Return | 0 | |
13 | ACDSTRBN | Account Distributions | Boolean | CB_Account_Distributions | 0 | |
14 | LOCNCODE | Location Code | String | STR10_Location_Code | 10 | |
Key to the Site Setup (IV40700).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Sales Setup'].LOCNCODE AS 'Sales Setup-Location Code'
,['Site Setup'].LOCNCODE AS 'Site Setup-Location Code'
SOP40100 AS ['Sales Setup']
IV40700 AS ['Site Setup']
['Sales Setup'].LOCNCODE = ['Site Setup'].LOCNCODE | ||||||
15 | CHEKBKID | Checkbook ID | String | STR15_Checkbook_ID | 15 | |
Key to the CM Checkbook Master (CM00100).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Sales Setup'].CHEKBKID AS 'Sales Setup-Checkbook ID'
,['CM Checkbook Master'].CHEKBKID AS 'CM Checkbook Master-Checkbook ID'
SOP40100 AS ['Sales Setup']
CM00100 AS ['CM Checkbook Master']
['Sales Setup'].CHEKBKID = ['CM Checkbook Master'].CHEKBKID | ||||||
16 | DFQTYSOP | Default Quantity Shortage Options | Integer | DDL_Quantity_Shortage_Options | 0 | |
17 | QUODOCID | Quote Document ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
18 | ORDDOCID | Order Document ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
19 | BACDOCID | Back Order Document ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
20 | INVDOCID | Invoice Document ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
21 | RETDOCID | Return Document ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
22 | DECPLQTY | Decimal Places QTYS | Integer | DDL_Decimal_Places_QTYS | 0 | |
23 | DECPLCUR | Decimal Places Currency | Integer | DDL_Decimal_Places_Dollars | 0 | |
24 | USEACFRM | Use Posting Accounts From | Integer | GB | 0 | |
25 | USEADVTX | Use Advanced Taxes | Integer | GB | 0 | |
26 | TAXSCHID | Tax Schedule ID | String | STR15_Tax_Schedule_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Sales Setup'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales Setup-Tax Schedule ID'
,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
SOP40100 AS ['Sales Setup']
TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
['Sales Setup'].TAXSCHID = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID | ||||||
27 | NONIVTXB | Non IV Taxable | Integer | DDL_Tax_Options | 0 | |
28 | NONIVSCH | Non IV Item Schedule ID | String | STR15_Tax_Schedule_ID | 15 | |
29 | FRGTTXBL | Freight Taxable | Integer | DDL_Tax_Options | 0 | |
30 | FRTSCHID | Freight Schedule ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Sales Setup'].FRTSCHID AS 'Sales Setup-Freight Schedule ID'
,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
SOP40100 AS ['Sales Setup']
TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
['Sales Setup'].FRTSCHID = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID | ||||||
31 | MISCTXBL | Misc Taxable | Integer | DDL_Tax_Options | 0 | |
32 | MSCSCHID | Misc Schedule ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Sales Setup'].MSCSCHID AS 'Sales Setup-Misc Schedule ID'
,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
SOP40100 AS ['Sales Setup']
TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
['Sales Setup'].MSCSCHID = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID | ||||||
33 | MPACKSLP | Match Packing Slip | Integer | DDL_Match_Packing_Slip | 0 | |
34 | MPICKTIC | Match Picking Ticket | Integer | DDL_Match_Picking_Ticket | 0 | |
35 | PriceLevelWarning | PriceLevelWarning | Integer | PriceLevelWarning | 0 | |
36 | SOPALLOW | SOP Allow | CB | Boolean | 0 | |
37 | SOPALLOW_1 | SOP Allow[1] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
38 | SOPALLOW_2 | SOP Allow[2] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
39 | SOPALLOW_3 | SOP Allow[3] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
40 | SOPALLOW_4 | SOP Allow[4] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
41 | SOPALLOW_5 | SOP Allow[5] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
42 | SOPALLOW_6 | SOP Allow[6] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
43 | SOPALLOW_7 | SOP Allow[7] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
44 | SOPALLOW_8 | SOP Allow[8] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
45 | SOPALLOW_9 | SOP Allow[9] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
46 | SOPALLOW_10 | SOP Allow[10] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
47 | SOPPSSWD_1 | SOP Password[1] | String | Password | 10 | |
48 | SOPPSSWD_2 | SOP Password[2] | String | Password | 10 | |
49 | SOPPSSWD | SOP Password | Password | String | 10 | |
50 | SOPPSSWD_3 | SOP Password[3] | String | Password | 10 | |
51 | SOPPSSWD_4 | SOP Password[4] | String | Password | 10 | |
52 | SOPPSSWD_5 | SOP Password[5] | String | Password | 10 | |
53 | SOPPSSWD_6 | SOP Password[6] | String | Password | 10 | |
54 | SOPPSSWD_7 | SOP Password[7] | String | Password | 10 | |
55 | SOPPSSWD_8 | SOP Password[8] | String | Password | 10 | |
56 | SOPPSSWD_9 | SOP Password[9] | String | Password | 10 | |
57 | SOPPSSWD_10 | SOP Password[10] | String | Password | 10 | |
58 | IVCDSTCK | IVC Dist Check | Long Integer | ML_IVC_Dist_Check | 0 | |
59 | NUMOFTRX | Number Of TRX | Long Integer | LI6_U0 | 6 | |
60 | USRDFPR1 | User Defined Prompt 1 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
61 | USRDRPR2 | User Defined Prompt 2 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
62 | USRDRPR3 | User Defined Prompt 3 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
63 | USRDRPR4 | User Defined Prompt 4 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
64 | USRDRPR5 | User Defined Prompt 5 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
65 | USRDRPR6 | User Defined Prompt 6 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
66 | USRDRPR7 | User Defined Prompt 7 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
67 | USRDRPR8 | User Defined Prompt 8 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
68 | USRDRPR9 | User Defined Prompt 9 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
69 | USRDRP10 | User Defined Prompt 10 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
70 | USRDRP11 | User Defined Prompt 11 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
71 | USRDRP12 | User Defined Prompt 12 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
72 | USRDFPR13 | User Defined Prompt 13 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
73 | USRDFPR14 | User Defined Prompt 14 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
74 | USRDFPR15 | User Defined Prompt 15 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
75 | USRDFPR16 | User Defined Prompt 16 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
76 | USRDFPR17 | User Defined Prompt 17 | String | STR15 | 15 | |
77 | CREATDDT | Created Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
78 | MODIFDT | Modified Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
79 | REQSHIP | Requested Date for PO | Integer | DDL_ReqShipDate | 0 | |
80 | REQDAYS | Requested Days After | Integer | INT3_RB0_U | 3 | |
81 | SITEPREF | Site Preference | Integer | DDL_SitePref | 0 | |
82 | PREFSITE | Preferred Site | String | STR10_Location_Code | 10 | |
83 | REQDATEPO | Required Date for PO | Integer | DDL_ReqDatePO | 0 | |
84 | Required_Days | Required Days | Integer | INT3_RB0_U | 3 | |
85 | UMDEFAULT | U of M Selection | Integer | DDL_UofMSelection | 0 | |
86 | COMBONPO | Combine On PO Line | Boolean | CB_CombineOnPO | 0 | |
87 | TXBASECS | Tax Base on Customers | Boolean | CB_Tax_Base_On_Customers | 0 | |
88 | USEORGUC | Use Original Unit Cost | Boolean | CB_Use_Original_Unit_Cost | 0 | |
89 | Prices_Not_Required_In_Pr | Prices Not Required In Price List | Boolean | CB_Prices_Not_Required_In_Price_List | 0 | |
90 | PasswordUpper | Password Upper | String | Password | 10 | |
91 | Convert_Functional_Price | Convert Functional Price | Boolean | CB_Convert_Functional_Price | 0 | |
92 | INDVPICKTICKETSORT | Individual Picking Ticket Sort | Integer | DDL_IndividualPickTicketSort | 0 | |
93 | PRINTAVAILABLEBINS | Print Available Bins | Integer | DDL_PrintAvailableBins | 0 | |
94 | FODOCID | Fulfillment Order Document ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
95 | CombineDropshipSOLines | Combine Dropship SO Lines | Boolean | CB_CombineDropshipSOLines | 0 | |
96 | CombineDropshipSODocs | Combine Dropship SO Documents | Boolean | CB_CombineDropshipSODocuments | 0 |