PA PO Receipt Line (PA10702)

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Product: Project Accounting (258)

Display Name: PA PO Receipt Line
Physical Name: PA10702
Technical Name: PA_PO_ReceiptLine

Group Display Name: PA Purchasing Transactions
Group Technical Name: PA Purchasing Transactions

Seq NoPhysical NameDisplay NameDexterity Data TypeSQL Data TypeLength
1PAVIDN SearchPA Vendor Invoice Document No.StringSTR17_LBAU17
2RCPTLNNM SearchReceipt Line NumberLong IntegerLI_Sequence_Number10
3PApurordnum SearchPA Purchase Order No.StringSTR17_LBAU17
4ITEMNMBR SearchItem NumberStringSTR30_Item_Number30
Key to the Item Master (IV00101).

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       ['PA PO Receipt Line'].ITEMNMBR AS 'PA PO Receipt Line-Item Number'
       ,['Item Master'].ITEMNMBR AS 'Item Master-Item Number'
       PA10702 AS ['PA PO Receipt Line']
       IV00101 AS ['Item Master']
                     ['PA PO Receipt Line'].ITEMNMBR = ['Item Master'].ITEMNMBR
5CURRNIDX SearchCurrency IndexIntegerINT33
Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).

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       ['PA PO Receipt Line'].CURRNIDX AS 'PA PO Receipt Line-Currency Index'
       ,['Currency Setup'].CURRNIDX AS 'Currency Setup-Currency Index'
       PA10702 AS ['PA PO Receipt Line']
       DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
                     ['PA PO Receipt Line'].CURRNIDX = ['Currency Setup'].CURRNIDX
6DATEVAL SearchDateValueDateDATE6
7DENXRATE SearchDenomination Exchange RateCurrency (Variable)DLR14_Exchange_Rate14
8EXCHDATE SearchExchange DateDateDT_Date6
9XCHGRATE SearchExchange RateCurrency (Variable)DLR14_Exchange_Rate14
10EXGTBLID SearchExchange Table IDStringSTR15_Exchange_Table_ID15
Key to the Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance (MC00100).

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       ['PA PO Receipt Line'].EXGTBLID AS 'PA PO Receipt Line-Exchange Table ID'
       ,['Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance'].EXGTBLID AS 'Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance-Exchange Table ID'
       PA10702 AS ['PA PO Receipt Line']
       DYNAMICS..MC00100 AS ['Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance']
                     ['PA PO Receipt Line'].EXGTBLID = ['Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance'].EXGTBLID
11ITMTSHID SearchItem Tax Schedule IDStringSTR15_LBAU15
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).

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       ['PA PO Receipt Line'].ITMTSHID AS 'PA PO Receipt Line-Item Tax Schedule ID'
       ,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
       PA10702 AS ['PA PO Receipt Line']
       TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
                     ['PA PO Receipt Line'].ITMTSHID = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID
12MCTRXSTT SearchMC Transaction StateIntegerINT11
13ORD SearchOrdLong IntegerLI_Sequence_Number10
14ORTDISAM SearchOriginating Trade Discount AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
15PAAcctgMethod SearchPA Accounting MethodIntegerPA_DDL_Accounting_Method0
16PAACREV SearchPA Accrued RevenuesCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
17PA_Base_Billing_Rate SearchPA Base Billing RateCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
18PABaseOvhdCost SearchPA Base Overhead CostCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
19PABase_Qty SearchPA Base QtyCurrencyPA_DLR15_RBS0_STR15
20PABase_Unit_Cost SearchPA Base Unit CostCurrencyPA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$17
21PAbillnoteidx SearchPA Billing Note IndexCurrencyDLR1414
22PABILRATE SearchPA Billing RateCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
23PABilling_StatusN SearchPA Billing StatusIntegerDDL_Billing_Status0
24PAbllngtype SearchPA Billing TypeIntegerPA_DDL_Billing_Type0
25PACBADDFRMFLY SearchPA CB From Add On The FlyBooleanCB0
26PACHGORDNO SearchPA Change Order NumberStringSTR17_LBAU17
27PACogs_Idx SearchPA COGS IDXLong IntegerLI_1414
28PAContra_Account_IDX SearchPA Contra Account IDXLong IntegerLI_1414
29PACONTNUMBER SearchPA Contract NumberStringSTR10_LBAU10
30PACOSTCATID SearchPA Cost Category IDStringSTR15_Cost_Category_ID15
31PACOSTCATNME SearchPA Cost Category NameStringSTR30_PTBS Description 130
32PAIV_Item_Checkbox SearchPA IV Item CheckboxBooleanPA_CB_IV_Item0
33PALineItemSeq SearchPA Line Item SequenceLong IntegerLI_Sequence_Number10
34PAMARKPERCENT SearchPA Markup PercentageCurrencyDLR5_%28
35PA_MC_Accrued_Revenue SearchPA MC Accrued RevenueCurrencyPA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
36PA_MC_Base_Billing_Rate SearchPA MC Base Billing RateCurrencyPA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
37PA_MC_Billing_Rate SearchPA MC Billing RateCurrencyPA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
38PAMCCURNCYID SearchPA MC Currency IDStringSTR15_Currency_ID15
39PA_MC_VarianceAccruedRev SearchPA MC Variance Accrued RevenuesCurrencyPA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$17
40PAORIACCRREV SearchPA Originating Accrued RevenuesCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
41PAORIGBASEOVRHCST SearchPA Originating Base Overhead CostCurrencyDLR15_RBU$215
42PAORIGBILLRATE SearchPA Originating Billing RateCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
43PAORIGOVHDAMT SearchPA Originating Overhead AmountCurrencyDLR15_RBU$215
44PAORIGPROFAMT SearchPA Originating Profit AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
45PAOrigSEC SearchPA Originating Shipment Extended CostCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
46PAORIGTOTOVRHD SearchPA Originating Total OverheadCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
47PAORIGTOTPROF SearchPA Originating Total ProfitCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
48PAOrigVarExt SearchPA Originating Variance Accrued RevenuesCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
49PAOverhead_Amount SearchPA Overhead AmountCurrencyDLR15_RBU$215
50PAOverhead_IDX SearchPA Overhead IDXLong IntegerLI_1414
51PAOverheaPercentage SearchPA Overhead PercentageCurrencyDLR5_%28
52PAPO_Line_Errors SearchPA PO Line ErrorsLong IntegerML_PO_Line_Errors0
53PAProfitAmount SearchPA Profit AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
54PAProfitPercent SearchPA Profit PercentCurrencyDLR5_%28
55PAProfitType SearchPA Profit TypeIntegerPA_DDL_Profit_Type0
56PAPROJNUMBER SearchPA Project NumberStringSTR15_LBAU15
57PAProjectType SearchPA Project TypeIntegerPA_DDL_Project_Type0
58PAPurchase_Tax_Options SearchPA Purchase Tax OptionsIntegerPA_DDL_Tax_Options_Purchase0
59PAShipmentExtCost SearchPA Shipment Extended CostCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
60PATOTALOVERH SearchPA Total OverheadCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
61PATotalProfit SearchPA Total ProfitCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
62PATU SearchPA Transaction UsageIntegerPA_DDL_Transaction_Usage0
63PAUnbilled_AR_Idx SearchPA Unbilled AR IDXLong IntegerLI_1414
64PAUnbilled_Proj_Rev_Idx SearchPA Unbilled Proj Rev IDXLong IntegerLI_1414
65PAUD1 SearchPA User Defined 1StringSTR2020
66PAUD2 SearchPA User Defined 2StringSTR2020
67PA_Variance_Cost SearchPA Variance CostBooleanBoolean0
68PA_Variance_Accrued_Reve SearchPA Variance Accrued RevenuesCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
69PA_Variance_QTY_Accrued_ SearchPA Variance QTY Accrued RevenuesCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
70PACGBWIPIDX SearchPA WIP IDXLong IntegerLI_1414
71POTYPE SearchPO TypeIntegerDDL_POP_PO_Type0
72POPTYPE SearchPOP TypeIntegerDDL_POP_Type0
73PRICELVL SearchPrice LevelStringSTR15_LBAU15
74RATECALC SearchRate Calc MethodIntegerINT0
75RATETPID SearchRate Type IDStringSTR15_Rate_Type_ID15
Key to the Multicurrency Rate Type Setup (MC40100).

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       ['PA PO Receipt Line'].RATETPID AS 'PA PO Receipt Line-Rate Type ID'
       ,['Multicurrency Rate Type Setup'].RATETPID AS 'Multicurrency Rate Type Setup-Rate Type ID'
       PA10702 AS ['PA PO Receipt Line']
       MC40100 AS ['Multicurrency Rate Type Setup']
                     ['PA PO Receipt Line'].RATETPID = ['Multicurrency Rate Type Setup'].RATETPID
76receiptdate SearchReceipt DateDateDT8
77TIME1 SearchTimeTimeTM66
78TRDISAMT SearchTrade Discount AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
79UOMSCHDL SearchU Of M ScheduleStringSTR10_Schedule10
Key to the Inventory U of M Schedule Setup (IV40201).

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       ['PA PO Receipt Line'].UOMSCHDL AS 'PA PO Receipt Line-U Of M Schedule'
       ,['Inventory U of M Schedule Setup'].UOMSCHDL AS 'Inventory U of M Schedule Setup-U Of M Schedule'
       PA10702 AS ['PA PO Receipt Line']
       IV40201 AS ['Inventory U of M Schedule Setup']
                     ['PA PO Receipt Line'].UOMSCHDL = ['Inventory U of M Schedule Setup'].UOMSCHDL
80VENDORID SearchVendor IDStringSTR_15_Vendor_ID15
Key to the PM Vendor Master File (PM00200).

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       ['PA PO Receipt Line'].VENDORID AS 'PA PO Receipt Line-Vendor ID'
       ,['PM Vendor Master File'].VENDORID AS 'PM Vendor Master File-Vendor ID'
       PA10702 AS ['PA PO Receipt Line']
       PM00200 AS ['PM Vendor Master File']
                     ['PA PO Receipt Line'].VENDORID = ['PM Vendor Master File'].VENDORID

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