Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/POP10310
Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP (0)
Series: Purchasing
Display Name: Purchasing Receipt Line Group Display Name: Purchasing Transactions
Physical Name: POP10310
Technical Name: POP_ReceiptLine
Group Technical Name: Purchasing Transactions
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length | |
1 | POPRCTNM | POP Receipt Number | String | STR17_POP_Number | 17 | |
2 | RCPTLNNM | Receipt Line Number | Long Integer | LI_Sequence_Number | 10 | |
3 | PONUMBER | PO Number | String | STR17_POP_Number | 17 | |
4 | ITEMNMBR | Item Number | String | STR30_Item_Number | 30 | |
Key to the Item Master (IV00101).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].ITEMNMBR AS 'Purchasing Receipt Line-Item Number'
,['Item Master'].ITEMNMBR AS 'Item Master-Item Number'
POP10310 AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line']
IV00101 AS ['Item Master']
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].ITEMNMBR = ['Item Master'].ITEMNMBR | ||||||
5 | ITEMDESC | Item Description | String | STR100 | 100 | |
6 | VNDITNUM | Vendor Item Number | String | Item_Number | 30 | |
7 | VNDITDSC | Vendor Item Description | String | STR100 | 100 | |
8 | UMQTYINB | U Of M QTY In Base | Currency | DLR17_QTY_RBS0_STR | 17 | |
The quantity of the base unit of measure that is equivalent to one of the units of measure being referenced. | ||||||
9 | ACTLSHIP | Actual Ship Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
10 | COMMNTID | Comment ID | String | STR15_Comment_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Comment Master (SY04200).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].COMMNTID AS 'Purchasing Receipt Line-Comment ID'
,['Comment Master'].COMMNTID AS 'Comment Master-Comment ID'
POP10310 AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line']
SY04200 AS ['Comment Master']
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].COMMNTID = ['Comment Master'].COMMNTID | ||||||
11 | INVINDX | Inventory Index | Long Integer | LI_14 | 14 | |
Key to the Account Index Master (GL00105).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].INVINDX AS 'Purchasing Receipt Line-Inventory Index'
,['Account Index Master'].ACTINDX AS 'Account Index Master-Account Index'
POP10310 AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line']
GL00105 AS ['Account Index Master']
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].INVINDX = ['Account Index Master'].ACTINDX | ||||||
12 | UOFM | U Of M | String | U_Of_M | 8 | |
The unit of measure. The value in this field must exist in Inventory. | ||||||
13 | UNITCOST | Unit Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
14 | EXTDCOST | Extended Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
15 | LOCNCODE | Location Code | String | STR10_Location_Code | 10 | |
Key to the Site Setup (IV40700).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].LOCNCODE AS 'Purchasing Receipt Line-Location Code'
,['Site Setup'].LOCNCODE AS 'Site Setup-Location Code'
POP10310 AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line']
IV40700 AS ['Site Setup']
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].LOCNCODE = ['Site Setup'].LOCNCODE | ||||||
16 | RcptLineNoteIDArray_1 | ReceiptLine Note ID Array[1] | Currency | DLR14 | 14 | |
17 | RcptLineNoteIDArray | ReceiptLine Note ID Array | DLR14 | Currency | 14 | |
18 | RcptLineNoteIDArray_2 | ReceiptLine Note ID Array[2] | Currency | DLR14 | 14 | |
19 | RcptLineNoteIDArray_3 | ReceiptLine Note ID Array[3] | Currency | DLR14 | 14 | |
20 | RcptLineNoteIDArray_4 | ReceiptLine Note ID Array[4] | Currency | DLR14 | 14 | |
21 | RcptLineNoteIDArray_5 | ReceiptLine Note ID Array[5] | Currency | DLR14 | 14 | |
22 | RcptLineNoteIDArray_6 | ReceiptLine Note ID Array[6] | Currency | DLR14 | 14 | |
23 | RcptLineNoteIDArray_7 | ReceiptLine Note ID Array[7] | Currency | DLR14 | 14 | |
24 | RcptLineNoteIDArray_8 | ReceiptLine Note ID Array[8] | Currency | DLR14 | 14 | |
25 | NONINVEN | Non IV | Integer | INT1 | 1 | |
Used to indicate whether an item is an inventory item or non-inventory item.
Click to show/hide PO Line Statuses0 Inventory item
1 Non-inventory item | ||||||
26 | DECPLCUR | Decimal Places Currency | Integer | DDL_Decimal_Places_Dollars | 0 | |
Number of decimal places for the currency values, based on the item's settings.
Click to show/hide Decimal Places Currency7 0 decimals
8 1
9 2
10 3
11 4
12 5 | ||||||
27 | DECPLQTY | Decimal Places QTYS | Integer | DDL_Decimal_Places_QTYS | 0 | |
Number of decimal places for the quantities.
Click to show/hide Decimal Places Currency1 0 decimals
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5 | ||||||
28 | ITMTRKOP | Item Tracking Option | Integer | DDL_Track | 0 | |
Designation for the tracking type of the Item.
Click to show/hide Item Tracking Options1 0 decimals
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5 | ||||||
29 | VCTNMTHD | Valuation Method | Integer | DDL_Valuation_Method | 0 | |
The valuation method for the inventory line item.
Click to show/hide Valuation methods1 FIFO Perpetual
2 LIFO Perpetual
3 Average Perpetual
4 FIFO Periodic
5 LIFO Periodic | ||||||
30 | TRXSORCE | TRX Source | String | STR13 | 13 | |
31 | JOBNUMBR | Job Number | String | STR17_LBAU | 17 | |
32 | COSTCODE | Cost Code | String | STR27 | 27 | |
33 | COSTTYPE | Cost Code Type | Integer | INT3_RB0_U | 3 | |
34 | CURNCYID | Currency ID | String | STR15_Currency_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].CURNCYID AS 'Purchasing Receipt Line-Currency ID'
,['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID AS 'Currency Setup-Currency ID'
POP10310 AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line']
DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].CURNCYID = ['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID | ||||||
35 | CURRNIDX | Currency Index | Integer | INT3 | 3 | |
Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].CURRNIDX AS 'Purchasing Receipt Line-Currency Index'
,['Currency Setup'].CURRNIDX AS 'Currency Setup-Currency Index'
POP10310 AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line']
DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].CURRNIDX = ['Currency Setup'].CURRNIDX | ||||||
36 | RATETPID | Rate Type ID | String | STR15_Rate_Type_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Multicurrency Rate Type Setup (MC40100).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].RATETPID AS 'Purchasing Receipt Line-Rate Type ID'
,['Multicurrency Rate Type Setup'].RATETPID AS 'Multicurrency Rate Type Setup-Rate Type ID'
POP10310 AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line']
MC40100 AS ['Multicurrency Rate Type Setup']
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].RATETPID = ['Multicurrency Rate Type Setup'].RATETPID | ||||||
37 | XCHGRATE | Exchange Rate | Currency (Variable) | DLR14_Exchange_Rate | 14 | |
38 | RATECALC | Rate Calc Method | Integer | INT | 0 | |
Rate Calc Method of the transaction. For non multi-currency transactions, this field will be blank.
Click to show/hide Rate Calc Methods0 Multiply
1 Divide | ||||||
39 | DENXRATE | Denomination Exchange Rate | Currency (Variable) | DLR14_Exchange_Rate | 14 | |
40 | ORUNTCST | Originating Unit Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
41 | OREXTCST | Originating Extended Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
42 | ODECPLCU | Originating Decimal Places Currency | Integer | DDL_Decimal_Places_Dollars | 0 | |
43 | BOLPRONUMBER | BOL_PRO Number | String | STR30 | 30 | |
44 | Capital_Item | Capital Item | Boolean | CB_Capital_Item | 0 | |
45 | Product_Indicator | Product Indicator | Integer | DDL_Product_Indicator | 0 | |
46 | Purchase_IV_Item_Taxable | Purchase IV Item Taxable | Integer | DDL_Purchase_Tax_Options | 0 | |
Purchase Inventory Item Taxable setting.
Click to show/hide Purchase IV Item Taxable1 Taxable
2 Non-taxable
3 Base on Vendor | ||||||
47 | Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu | Purchase Item Tax Schedule ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu AS 'Purchasing Receipt Line-Purchase Item Tax Schedule ID'
,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
POP10310 AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line']
TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID | ||||||
48 | Purchase_Site_Tax_Schedu | Purchase Site Tax Schedule ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].Purchase_Site_Tax_Schedu AS 'Purchasing Receipt Line-Purchase Site Tax Schedule ID'
,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
POP10310 AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line']
TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].Purchase_Site_Tax_Schedu = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID | ||||||
49 | BSIVCTTL | Based On Invoice Total | Boolean | YN | 0 | |
50 | TAXAMNT | Tax Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
51 | ORTAXAMT | Originating Tax Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
52 | BCKTXAMT | Backout Tax Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
53 | OBTAXAMT | Originating Backout Tax Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
54 | Revalue_Inventory | Revalue Inventory | Boolean | CB_Revalue_Inventory | 0 | |
55 | Tolerance_Percentage | Tolerance Percentage | Long Integer | LI7_U%3 | 7 | |
56 | PURPVIDX | Purchase Price Variance Index | Long Integer | LI_14 | 14 | |
Key to the Account Index Master (GL00105).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].PURPVIDX AS 'Purchasing Receipt Line-Purchase Price Variance Index'
,['Account Index Master'].ACTINDX AS 'Account Index Master-Account Index'
POP10310 AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line']
GL00105 AS ['Account Index Master']
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].PURPVIDX = ['Account Index Master'].ACTINDX | ||||||
57 | Remaining_AP_Amount | Remaining AP Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
58 | SHIPMTHD | Shipping Method | String | STR15_Shipping_Method | 15 | |
Key to the Shipping Methods Master (SY03000).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].SHIPMTHD AS 'Purchasing Receipt Line-Shipping Method'
,['Shipping Methods Master'].SHIPMTHD AS 'Shipping Methods Master-Shipping Method'
POP10310 AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line']
SY03000 AS ['Shipping Methods Master']
['Purchasing Receipt Line'].SHIPMTHD = ['Shipping Methods Master'].SHIPMTHD | ||||||
59 | Landed_Cost_Group_ID | Landed Cost Group ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
60 | Landed_Cost_Warnings | Landed Cost Warnings | Integer | INT3 | 3 | |
61 | BackoutTradeDiscTax | Backout Trade Discount Tax Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
62 | OrigBackoutTradeDiscTax | Originating Backout Trade Discount Tax Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
63 | Landed_Cost | Landed Cost | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
64 | Invoice_Match | Invoice Match | Boolean | CB_Invoice_Match | 0 | |
65 | RCPTRETNUM | Receipt Return Number | String | STR17_POP_Number | 17 | |
66 | RCPTRETLNNUM | Receipt Return Line Number | Long Integer | LI_Sequence_Number | 10 | |
67 | INVRETNUM | Invoice Return Number | String | STR17_POP_Number | 17 | |
68 | INVRETLNNUM | Invoice Return Line Number | Long Integer | LI_Sequence_Number | 10 | |
69 | ISLINEINTRA | IsLineIntrastat | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
70 | ProjNum | Project Number | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
71 | CostCatID | Cost Category ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
72 | TrackedDropShipped | TrackedDropShipped | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
73 | OriginatingPrepaymentAmt | Originating Prepayment Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBS0_UTR$ | 19 | |
74 | ORDISTKN | Originating Discount Taken Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
75 | ORTDISAM | Originating Trade Discount Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
76 | ORFRTAMT | Originating Freight Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
77 | ORMISCAMT | Originating Misc Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBSO_UTR$ | 19 | |
78 | OriginatingPPTaxAmount | Originating Prepayment Tax Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 |