Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/PA42701
Product: Project Accounting (258)
Display Name: PA Inventory Transfer Setup
Physical Name: PA42701
Technical Name: PA_Inventory_Transfer_SETP
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length | |
1 | PAsetupkey | PA Setup Key | Integer | INT1 | 1 | |
2 | PAInventory_Counter | PA Inventory Counter | String | STR17_LBAU | 17 | |
3 | LOCNCODE | Location Code | String | STR10_Location_Code | 10 | |
Key to the Site Setup (IV40700).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['PA Inventory Transfer Setup'].LOCNCODE AS 'PA Inventory Transfer Setup-Location Code'
,['Site Setup'].LOCNCODE AS 'Site Setup-Location Code'
PA42701 AS ['PA Inventory Transfer Setup']
IV40700 AS ['Site Setup']
['PA Inventory Transfer Setup'].LOCNCODE = ['Site Setup'].LOCNCODE | ||||||
4 | PAUserDefinedPrompt1IV | PA User Defined Prompt 1 - IV | String | STR15 | 15 | |
5 | PAUserDefinedPrompt2IV | PA User Defined Prompt 2 - IV | String | STR15 | 15 | |
6 | PACostDescriptionIV | PA Cost Description - IV | String | STR20 | 20 | |
7 | PAdescriptionfrom | PA Description From | Integer | PA_DDL_Description_From | 0 | |
8 | PAPriceLevelFromIV | PA Price Level From - IV | Integer | PA_DDL_Price_Level_From - IV | 0 | |
9 | TRKVDTRX | Track Voided Trx In History | Boolean | CB_Track_Voided_Trx_In_History | 0 | |
10 | PAallow | PA Allow Options | CB | Boolean | 0 | |
11 | PAallow_1 | PA Allow Options[1] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
12 | PAallow_2 | PA Allow Options[2] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
13 | PAallow_3 | PA Allow Options[3] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
14 | PAallow_4 | PA Allow Options[4] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
15 | PAallow_5 | PA Allow Options[5] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
16 | PAallow_6 | PA Allow Options[6] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
17 | PAallow_7 | PA Allow Options[7] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
18 | PAallow_8 | PA Allow Options[8] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
19 | PAallow_9 | PA Allow Options[9] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
20 | PAallow_10 | PA Allow Options[10] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
21 | PAallow_11 | PA Allow Options[11] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
22 | PAallow_12 | PA Allow Options[12] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
23 | PAallow_13 | PA Allow Options[13] | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
24 | PAdexcriptionoptions_1 | PA Description Options[1] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
25 | PAdexcriptionoptions_2 | PA Description Options[2] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
26 | PAdexcriptionoptions | PA Description Options | STR50 | String | 50 | |
27 | PAdexcriptionoptions_3 | PA Description Options[3] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
28 | PAdexcriptionoptions_4 | PA Description Options[4] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
29 | PAdexcriptionoptions_5 | PA Description Options[5] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
30 | PAdexcriptionoptions_6 | PA Description Options[6] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
31 | PAdexcriptionoptions_7 | PA Description Options[7] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
32 | PAdexcriptionoptions_8 | PA Description Options[8] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
33 | PAdexcriptionoptions_9 | PA Description Options[9] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
34 | PAdexcriptionoptions_10 | PA Description Options[10] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
35 | PAdexcriptionoptions_11 | PA Description Options[11] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
36 | PAdexcriptionoptions_12 | PA Description Options[12] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
37 | PAdexcriptionoptions_13 | PA Description Options[13] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
38 | PApasswordoptions_1 | PA Password Options[1] | String | Password | 10 | |
39 | PApasswordoptions_2 | PA Password Options[2] | String | Password | 10 | |
40 | PApasswordoptions_3 | PA Password Options[3] | String | Password | 10 | |
41 | PApasswordoptions | PA Password Options | Password | String | 10 | |
42 | PApasswordoptions_4 | PA Password Options[4] | String | Password | 10 | |
43 | PApasswordoptions_5 | PA Password Options[5] | String | Password | 10 | |
44 | PApasswordoptions_6 | PA Password Options[6] | String | Password | 10 | |
45 | PApasswordoptions_7 | PA Password Options[7] | String | Password | 10 | |
46 | PApasswordoptions_8 | PA Password Options[8] | String | Password | 10 | |
47 | PApasswordoptions_9 | PA Password Options[9] | String | Password | 10 | |
48 | PApasswordoptions_10 | PA Password Options[10] | String | Password | 10 | |
49 | PApasswordoptions_11 | PA Password Options[11] | String | Password | 10 | |
50 | PApasswordoptions_12 | PA Password Options[12] | String | Password | 10 | |
51 | PApasswordoptions_13 | PA Password Options[13] | String | Password | 10 | |
52 | PACBNOTRNSFRBILLNTS | PA CB Not Transfer IV Billing Notes | Boolean | PA_CB_DO_Not_Transfer_IV_Billing_Notes | 0 | |
53 | PADONOTALLIV | PA Do not allow Non-Inventory Items | Boolean | PA_CB_Do_Not_Allow_NonInventory | 0 |