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Product: Project Accounting (258)
Display Name: PA Budget Master File Group Display Name: PA Budgeting Cards
Physical Name: PA01301
Technical Name: PA_Budget_MSTR
Group Technical Name: PA Budgeting Cards
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length | |
1 | PAPROJNUMBER | PA Project Number | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
2 | PACOSTCATID | PA Cost Category ID | String | STR15_Cost_Category_ID | 15 | |
3 | PATU | PA Transaction Usage | Integer | PA_DDL_Transaction_Usage | 0 | |
4 | PAIV_Item_Checkbox | PA IV Item Checkbox | Boolean | PA_CB_IV_Item | 0 | |
5 | PASTAT | PA Status | Integer | PA_DDL_Status | 0 | |
6 | PAProfitType | PA Profit Type | Integer | PA_DDL_Profit_Type | 0 | |
7 | PAbllngtype | PA Billing Type | Integer | PA_DDL_Billing_Type | 0 | |
8 | PABase_Qty | PA Base Qty | Currency | PA_DLR15_RBS0_STR | 15 | |
9 | PABase_Unit_Cost | PA Base Unit Cost | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
10 | PABaseProfitAmount | PA Base Profit Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
11 | PABaseOvhdCost | PA Base Overhead Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
12 | PAForecastBaseOvrhdAmt | PA Forecast Base Overhead Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
13 | PAForecastBaseQty | PA Forecast Base Qty | Currency | DLR15_RBU2 | 15 | |
14 | PAForecastBaseUnitCost | PA Forecast Base Unit Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
15 | PAForecastBaseProfitAmt | PA Forecast Base Profit Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
16 | PABBeginDate | PA Baseline Begin Date | Date | DATE | 6 | |
17 | PABEndDate | PA Baseline End Date | Date | DATE | 6 | |
18 | PABQuantity | PA Baseline Quantity | Currency | DLR15_RBU2 | 15 | |
19 | PABUnitCost | PA Baseline Unit Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
20 | PABTotalCost | PA Baseline Total Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
21 | PABBillings | PA Baseline Billings | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
22 | PABProfit | PA Baseline Profit | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
23 | PABProfitAmt | PA Baseline Profit Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
24 | PABProfitPcnt | PA Baseline Profit Percent | Currency | DLR5_%2 | 8 | |
25 | PABTaxPaidAmt | PA Baseline Tax Paid Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
26 | PABTaxChargedAmt | PA Baseline Tax Charged Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
27 | PABaselineOvhdCost | PA Baseline Overhead Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
28 | PABaselinePTaxOptions | PA Baseline Purchase Tax Options | Integer | PA_DDL_Tax_Options_Purchase | 0 | |
29 | PABaselineCTaxSchedID | PA Baseline Cost Tax Schedule ID | String | STR15_Tax_Schedule_ID | 15 | |
30 | PABaselineSTaxOptions | PA Baseline Sales Tax Options | Integer | PA_DDL_Tax_Options_Sales | 0 | |
31 | PABaselineBTaxSchedID | PA Baseline Billing Tax Schedule ID | String | STR15_Tax_Schedule_ID | 15 | |
32 | PAACTUALBEGDATE | PA Actual Begin Date | Date | DATE | 6 | |
33 | PA_Actual_End_Date | PA Actual End Date | Date | DATE | 6 | |
34 | PAFBeginDate | PA Forecast Begin Date | Date | DATE | 6 | |
35 | PAFEndDate | PA Forecast End Date | Date | DATE | 6 | |
36 | PAFQuantity | PA Forecast Quantity | Currency | DLR15_RBU2 | 15 | |
37 | PAFUnitCost | PA Forecast Unit Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
38 | PAFTotalCost | PA Forecast Total Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
39 | PAFBillings | PA Forecast Billings | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
40 | PAFProfit | PA Forecast Profit | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
41 | PAFTaxPaidAmt | PA Forecast Tax Paid Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
42 | PAFTaxChargedAmt | PA Forecast Tax Charged Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
43 | PAFProfitAmt | PA Forecast Profit Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
44 | PAFProfitPcnt | PA Forecast Profit Percent | Currency | DLR5_%2 | 8 | |
45 | PAForecastOvhdCost | PA Forecast Overhead Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
46 | PAForecastPTaxOptions | PA Forecast Purchase Tax Options | Integer | PA_DDL_Tax_Options_Purchase | 0 | |
47 | PAForecastCTaxSchedID | PA Forecast Cost Tax Schedule ID | String | STR15_Tax_Schedule_ID | 15 | |
48 | PAForecastSTaxOptions | PA Forecast Sales Tax Options | Integer | PA_DDL_Tax_Options_Sales | 0 | |
49 | PAForecastBTaxSchedID | PA Forecast Billing Tax Schedule ID | String | STR15_Tax_Schedule_ID | 15 | |
50 | PAUnit_of_Measure | PA Unit of Measure | String | U_Of_M | 8 | |
51 | UOMSCHDL | U Of M Schedule | String | STR10_Schedule | 10 | |
Key to the Inventory U of M Schedule Setup (IV40201).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['PA Budget Master File'].UOMSCHDL AS 'PA Budget Master File-U Of M Schedule'
,['Inventory U of M Schedule Setup'].UOMSCHDL AS 'Inventory U of M Schedule Setup-U Of M Schedule'
PA01301 AS ['PA Budget Master File']
IV40201 AS ['Inventory U of M Schedule Setup']
['PA Budget Master File'].UOMSCHDL = ['Inventory U of M Schedule Setup'].UOMSCHDL | ||||||
52 | PAUOfMMult | PA UOfM Multiplier | Currency | DLR17_QTY_RBS0_UTR | 17 | |
53 | DECPLQTY | Decimal Places QTYS | Integer | DDL_Decimal_Places_QTYS | 0 | |
54 | PAPay_Code_Hourly | PA Pay Code Hourly | String | STR6_Payroll_Code | 6 | |
55 | PAPay_Code_Salary | PA Pay Code Salary | String | STR6_Payroll_Code | 6 | |
56 | DECPLCUR | Decimal Places Currency | Integer | DDL_Decimal_Places_Dollars | 0 | |
57 | PALabor_Rate_Table_ID | PA Labor Rate Table ID | String | STR30_Rate_Table_ID | 30 | |
58 | PALabor_RateTable_Type | PA Labor Rate Table Type | Integer | PA_DDL_Rate_Table_Type | 0 | |
59 | PALabor_Rate_Table_Acc | PA Labor Rate Table Accept | Boolean | CB_Rate_Table_Accept | 0 | |
60 | PAEquip_Rate_Table_ID | PA Equip Rate Table ID | String | STR30_Rate_Table_ID | 30 | |
61 | PAEquip_Rate_Table_Acc | PA Equip Rate Table Accept | Boolean | CB_Rate_Table_Accept | 0 | |
62 | TM_WIP_SRC | TM WIP SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
63 | TM_COGS_SRC | TM COGS SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
64 | TM_Cost_Contra_SRC | TM Cost Contra SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
65 | TM_Unbilled_AR_SRC | TM Unbilled AR SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
66 | TM_Unbilled_Rev_SRC | TM Unbilled Rev SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
67 | TM_AR_SRC | TM AR SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
68 | TM_Prj_Rev_SRC | TM Prj Rev SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
69 | TM_OVHD_SRC | TM OVHD SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
70 | FF_WIP_SRC | FF WIP SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
71 | FF_Cost_Contra_SRC | FF Cost Contra SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
72 | FF_AR_SRC | FF AR SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
73 | FF_Prj_Billings_SRC | FF Prj Billings SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
74 | FF_Prj_Expense_SRC | FF Prj Expense SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
75 | FF_Prj_Revenue_SRC | FF Prj Revenue SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
76 | FF_Prj_Loss_SRC | FF Prj Loss SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
77 | FF_BIEE_SRC | FF BIEE SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
78 | FF_EIEB_SRC | FF EIEB SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
79 | FF_OVHD_SRC | FF OVHD SRC | Integer | DDL_AccountSource | 0 | |
80 | PAProject_Amount | PA Project Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
81 | PAOverheadRateMethod | PA Overhead Rate Method | Integer | GB | 0 | |
82 | PABaselineOvhdAmtPerUnit | PA Baseline Overhead Amount Per Unit | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
83 | PABaselineOvrhdPct | PA Baseline Overhead Percentage | Currency | DLR5_%2 | 8 | |
84 | PAForecastOvrhdAmtPerUnt | PA Forecast Overhead Amount Per Unit | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
85 | PAForecastOvrhdPct | PA Forecast Overhead Percentage | Currency | DLR5_%2 | 8 | |
86 | PAUBeginDate | PA Unposted Begin Date | Date | DATE | 6 | |
87 | PAUEndDate | PA Unposted End Date | Date | DATE | 6 | |
88 | PAUnpostedQty | PA Unposted Qty | Currency | PA_DLR15_RBS0_STR | 15 | |
89 | PAUnpostedTotalCostN | PA Unposted Total Cost | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
90 | PAUnposted_Overhead | PA Unposted Overhead | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
91 | PAUnpostedProfitN | PA Unposted Profit | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
92 | PAUnposted_Tax_Amount | PA Unposted Tax Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
93 | PAUnpostAccrRevN | PA Unposted Accrued Revenues | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
94 | PAUnpostedCommitedQty | PA Unposted Commited Qty | Currency | DLR15_RBU2 | 15 | |
95 | PAUnpostedCommitedCost | PA Unposted Commited Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
96 | PAUnpostedCommitedTaxAmt | PA Unposted Commited Tax Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
97 | PAUNPOSTBIEEAMOUNT | PA Unposted BIEE Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
98 | PAUNPEIEBAMOUNT | PA Unposted EIEB Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
99 | PAunpostbillamt | PA Unposted Billed Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
100 | PAPostedQty | PA Actual Qty | Currency | PA_DLR15_RBS0_STR | 15 | |
101 | PAPostedTotalCostN | PA Actual Total Cost | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
102 | PAPosted_Overhead | PA Actual Overhead | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
103 | PAPostedProfitN | PA Actual Profit | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
104 | PAPosted_Tax_Amount | PA Actual Tax Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
105 | PAPosted_Accr_RevN | PA Actual Accrued Revenues | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
106 | PAPostedCommitedQty | PA Actual Commited Qty | Currency | DLR15_RBU2 | 15 | |
107 | PAPostedCommitedCost | PA Actual Commited Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
108 | PAPostedCommitedTaxAmt | PA Actual Commited Tax Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
109 | PAPostRecogRevN | PA Actual Recognized Revenue | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
110 | PAPOSBIEEAMOUNT | PA Actual BIEE Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
111 | PAPOSEIEBAMOUNT | PA Actual EIEB Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
112 | PApostbillamt | PA Actual Billed Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
113 | PAWrite_UpDown_Amount | PA Write Up/Down Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
114 | PABilled_QtyN | PA Billed Qty | Currency | PA_DLR15_RBS0_STR | 15 | |
115 | PABilled_Cost | PA Billed Cost | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
116 | PABilled_Accrued_Revenu | PA Billed Accrued Revenues | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
117 | PACostPcntCompleted | PA Cost Percent Completed | Currency | DLR5_%2 | 8 | |
118 | PAQuantityPcntCompleted | PA Quantity Percent Completed | Currency | DLR5_%2 | 8 | |
119 | PA_Receipts_Amount | PA Receipts Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
120 | PA_Actual_Receipts_Amoun | PA Actual Receipts Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
121 | PA_Earnings | PA Earnings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
122 | PA_Cost_of_Earnings | PA Cost of Earnings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
123 | PAUnpostBillN | PA Unposted Billings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
124 | PAUnpostDiscDolAmtN | PA Unposted Discount Dollar Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
125 | PAUnposted_Sales_Tax_Am | PA Unposted Sales Tax Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
126 | PAPostedBillingsN | PA Actual Billings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
127 | PAPostedDiscDolAmtN | PA Actual Discount Dollar Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
128 | PAPosted_Sales_Tax_Amou | PA Actual Sales Tax Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
129 | PABCWPAMT | PA BCWP Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
130 | PABCWSAMT | PA BCWS Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
131 | PAACWPAMT | PA ACWP Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
132 | LNITMSEQ | Line Item Sequence | Long Integer | LI_Sequence_Number | 10 | |
133 | PALineItemSeq | PA Line Item Sequence | Long Integer | LI_Sequence_Number | 10 | |
134 | PAbillnoteidx | PA Billing Note Index | Currency | DLR14 | 14 | |
135 | PAUnpostedRecogRevN | PA Unposted Recognized Revenue | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
136 | PAApproved_Accrued_Reve | PA Approved Accrued Revenues | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
137 | PAApproved_Cost | PA Approved Cost | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
138 | PAApproved_Quantity | PA Approved Quantity | Currency | PA_DLR15_RBS0_STR | 15 | |
139 | PACommitted_Costs | PA Committed Costs | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
140 | PACommitted_Qty | PA Committed Qty | Currency | DLR15_RBU2 | 15 | |
141 | PAPOQty | PA PO Qty | Currency | DLR15_RBU2 | 15 | |
142 | PAPOCost | PA PO Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
143 | PAPOPostedQty | PA PO Actual Qty | Currency | PA_DLR15_RBS0_STR | 15 | |
144 | PAPOPostedCost | PA PO Actual Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
145 | WROFAMNT | Write Off Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
146 | ActualWriteOffAmount | Actual Write Off Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
147 | DISTKNAM | Discount Taken Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
148 | ActualDiscTakenAmount | Actual Discount Taken Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
149 | PAsfid | PA Source File ID | Integer | INT3 | 3 | |
150 | PAPreviouslyOpen | PA Previously Open | Boolean | Boolean | 0 | |
151 | PAtaxpaidamt | PA Tax Paid Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
152 | PAPostedTaxPaidN | PA Actual Tax Paid | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
153 | PAPOSTRETAMT | PA Actual Retention Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
154 | PAUNPOSTRETAMT | PA Unposted Retention Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
155 | PA_Write_Off_Tax_Amount | PA Write Off Tax Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
156 | PAActualWOTaxAmt | PA Actual Write Off Tax Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
157 | PA_Terms_Taken_Tax_Amt | PA Terms Taken Tax Amt | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
158 | PAActualTermsTakenTax | PA Actual Terms Taken Tax Amt | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
159 | PACHGORDNO | PA Change Order Number | String | STR17_LBAU | 17 | |
160 | PAUNAPPRVPROJAMT | PA Unapproved Project Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
161 | PAUNAPFRTOTBILL | PA Unapproved Forecast Total Billings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
162 | PAUNAPPFRTOTCST | PA Unapproved Forecast Total Cost | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
163 | PAUNFRCTOTPROF | PA Unapproved Forecast Total Profit | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
164 | PAUNPFRTOTQTY | PA Unapproved Forecast Total Qty | Currency | PA_DLR15_RBS0_STR | 15 | |
165 | PAUNABSTOTBILL | PA Unapproved Baseline Total Billings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
166 | PAUNPBSTOTCST | PA Unapproved Baseline Total Cost | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
167 | PAUNPBSLTOTPROF | PA Unapproved Baseline Total Profit | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
168 | PAUNPBSTOTQTY | PA Unapproved Baseline Total Qty | Currency | PA_DLR15_RBS0_STR | 15 | |
169 | PATOTCHGORDAMT | PA Total Change Order Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
170 | PAPosted_Earnings | PA Actual Earnings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
171 | PAActualCostofEarnings | PA Actual Cost of Earnings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
172 | PAUnpostedLossAmount | PA Unposted Loss Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
173 | PAActualLossAmount | PA Actual Loss Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
174 | PAMCCURNCYID | PA MC Currency ID | String | STR15_Currency_ID | 15 | |
175 | PAMCBProfitAmt | PA MC Baseline Profit Amt | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
176 | PAMCBBillings | PA MC Baseline Billings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
177 | PAMCFProfitAmt | PA MC Forecast Profit Amt | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
178 | PAMCFBillings | PA MC Forecast Billings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
179 | PAMCBaseProfitAmount | PA MC Base Profit Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
180 | PAMCForecastBProfitAmt | PA MC Forecast Base Profit Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
181 | PAMCProjectAmount | PA MC Project Amount | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
182 | PAMCActualBillings | PA MC Actual Billings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
183 | PAMCActualDiscountAmt | PA MC Actual Discount Amt | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
184 | PAMCActualSalesTaxAmt | PA MC Actual Sales Tax Amt | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
185 | PAMCUnpostBillN | PA MC Unposted Billings | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
186 | PAMCUnpostedDiscount | PA MC Unposted Discount Amt | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
187 | PAMCUnpostedSalesTax | PA MC Unposted Sales Tax Amt | Currency | PA_DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
188 | PABILLMIN | paBillMinimum | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
189 | PAMCBILLMIN | paMCBillMinimum | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 |