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Product: MIS-AMS Extensions (3459)
Series: Purchasing
Display Name: CIS_Payment_Apply_WORK
Physical Name: CIS10201
Technical Name: CIS_Payment_Apply_WORKSeq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 PMNTNMBR Payment Number STR20_LBAU String 20 2 KEYFIELD Key Field STR20 String 20 3 APTVCHNM Apply To Voucher Number STR20_LBAU String 20 4 APTODCTY Apply To Document Type DDL_Document_Type Integer 0 5 APFVCHNM Apply From Voucher Number STR20_LBAU String 20 6 APFRDCTY Apply From Document Type INT2 Integer 2 7 CISNONTAX CIS Non-taxable Amount DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ Currency 17 8 CISTAXABLE CIS Taxable Amount DLR17_RBSO_STR$ Currency 17 9 CISDEDUCT CIS Deducted DLR17_RBS0_STR$ Currency 17