Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/PM20100
Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP (0)
Series: Purchasing
Display Name: PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File Group Display Name: Payables Transaction Logical File
Physical Name: PM20100
Technical Name: PM_Apply_To_OPEN_OPEN
Group Technical Name: PM_Transaction_Logical_File
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length | |
1 | KEYSOURC | Key Source | String | STR40_Source | 40 | |
2 | DOCDATE | Document Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
3 | TIME1 | Time | Time | TM6 | 6 | |
4 | VENDORID | Vendor ID | String | STR_15_Vendor_ID | 15 | |
Key to the PM Vendor Master File (PM00200).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].VENDORID AS 'PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File-Vendor ID'
,['PM Vendor Master File'].VENDORID AS 'PM Vendor Master File-Vendor ID'
PM20100 AS ['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File']
PM00200 AS ['PM Vendor Master File']
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].VENDORID = ['PM Vendor Master File'].VENDORID | ||||||
5 | POSTED | Posted | Boolean | True/False | 0 | |
6 | BCHSOURC | Batch Source | String | STR15 | 15 | |
Records whether the transaction was entered in a batch or not.Click to show/hide the Batch SourcesPM_Trxent Batch
XXPM_Trxent No batch (real-time)
| ||||||
7 | USERID | User ID | String | STR15_User_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Users Master (SY01400).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].USERID AS 'PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File-User ID'
,['Users Master'].USERID AS 'Users Master-User ID'
PM20100 AS ['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File']
DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['Users Master']
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].USERID = ['Users Master'].USERID | ||||||
8 | APTVCHNM | Apply To Voucher Number | String | STR20_LBAU | 20 | |
9 | APTODCTY | Apply To Document Type | Integer | DDL_Document_Type | 0 | |
10 | APTODCDT | Apply To Document Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
11 | APTODCNM | Apply To Document Number | String | STR20_Document_Number | 20 | |
12 | APPLDAMT | Applied Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
13 | DISTKNAM | Discount Taken Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
14 | DISAVTKN | Discount Available Taken | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
15 | WROFAMNT | Write Off Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
16 | CURNCYID | Currency ID | String | STR15_Currency_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].CURNCYID AS 'PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File-Currency ID'
,['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID AS 'Currency Setup-Currency ID'
PM20100 AS ['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File']
DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].CURNCYID = ['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID | ||||||
17 | CURRNIDX | Currency Index | Integer | INT3 | 3 | |
Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].CURRNIDX AS 'PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File-Currency Index'
,['Currency Setup'].CURRNIDX AS 'Currency Setup-Currency Index'
PM20100 AS ['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File']
DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].CURRNIDX = ['Currency Setup'].CURRNIDX | ||||||
18 | ORAPPAMT | Originating Applied Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
19 | ORDISTKN | Originating Discount Taken Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
20 | ORDATKN | Originating Discount Available Taken | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
21 | ORWROFAM | Originating Write Off Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
22 | Apply_To_Document_Amount | Apply To Document Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBS0_UTR$ | 19 | |
23 | Apply_To_Orig_Doc_Amount | Apply To Orig Doc Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBS0_UTR$ | 19 | |
24 | Apply_To_Discount_Date | Apply To Discount Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
25 | Apply_To_Due_Date | Apply To Due Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
26 | Apply_To_Description | Apply To Description | String | STR30 | 30 | |
27 | Apply_To_IS_MC_Trx | Apply To IS MC Trx | Integer | INT | 0 | |
28 | ApplyToGLPostDate | Apply To GL Posting Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
29 | APTOEXRATE | Apply To Exchange Rate | Currency (Variable) | DLR14_Exchange_Rate | 14 | |
30 | APTODENRATE | Apply To Denomination Exchange Rate | Currency (Variable) | DLR14_Exchange_Rate | 14 | |
31 | APTORTCLCMETH | Apply To Rate Calc Method | Integer | INT | 0 | |
32 | APTOMCTRXSTT | Apply To MC Transaction State | Integer | INT | 0 | |
33 | ISMCTRX | IS MC Trx | Integer | INT | 0 | |
34 | VCHRNMBR | Voucher Number | String | STR20_LBAU | 20 | |
Partial key to the PM Key Master File (PM00400).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].VCHRNMBR AS 'PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File-Voucher Number'
,['PM Key Master File'].CNTRLNUM AS 'PM Key Master File-Control Number'
PM20100 AS ['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File']
PM00400 AS ['PM Key Master File']
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].VCHRNMBR = ['PM Key Master File'].CNTRLNUM
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].DOCTYPE = ['PM Key Master File'].DOCTYPE | ||||||
35 | DOCTYPE | Document Type | Integer | DDL_Document_Type | 0 | |
Click to show/hide Document Types
1 Invoice
2 Finance Charge
3 Miscellaneous Charges
4 Return
5 Credit Memo | ||||||
36 | APFRDCNM | Apply From Document Number | String | STR20_Document_Number | 20 | |
37 | FROMCURR | Apply From Currency ID | String | STR15_Currency_ID | 15 | |
38 | Apply_From_Document_Amou | Apply From Document Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBS0_UTR$ | 19 | |
39 | Apply_From_Orig_Doc_Amou | Apply From Orig Doc Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBS0_UTR$ | 19 | |
40 | APFRMAPLYAMT | Apply From Apply Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
41 | APFRMDISCTAKEN | Apply From Discount Taken Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
42 | APFRMDISCAVAIL | Apply From Discount Available Taken | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
43 | APFRMWROFAMT | Apply From Write Off Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
44 | ActualApplyToAmount | Actual Apply To Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
45 | ActualDiscTakenAmount | Actual Discount Taken Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
46 | ActualDiscAvailTaken | Actual Discount Available Taken | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
47 | ActualWriteOffAmount | Actual Write Off Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
48 | APFRMEXRATE | Apply From Exchange Rate | Currency (Variable) | DLR14_Exchange_Rate | 14 | |
49 | APFRMDENRATE | Apply From Denomination Exchange Rate | Currency (Variable) | DLR14_Exchange_Rate | 14 | |
50 | APFRMRTCLCMETH | Apply From Rate Calc Method | Integer | INT | 0 | |
51 | APFRMMCTRXSTT | Apply From MC Transaction State | Integer | INT | 0 | |
52 | Apply_From_Description | Apply From Description | String | STR30 | 30 | |
53 | Apply_From_IS_MC_Trx | Apply From IS MC Trx | Integer | INT | 0 | |
54 | PPSAMDED | PPS Amount Deducted | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
55 | GSTDSAMT | GST Discount Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
56 | TAXDTLID | Tax Detail ID | String | STR15_Tax_Detail_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Master (TX00201).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].TAXDTLID AS 'PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File-Tax Detail ID'
,['Sales/Purchases Tax Master'].TAXDTLID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Master-Tax Detail ID'
PM20100 AS ['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File']
TX00201 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Master']
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].TAXDTLID = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Master'].TAXDTLID | ||||||
57 | UPDTKNAM | Unposted Discount Taken Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
58 | UPGSTDAM | Unposted GST Discount Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
59 | UNPPPSAD | Unposted PPS Amount Deducted | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
60 | UPWROFAM | Unposted Write Off Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
61 | PMDSTMSG | PM Distribution Messages | Long Integer | ML_PM_Distribution_Messages | 0 | |
62 | MODIFDT | Modified Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
63 | MDFUSRID | Modified User ID | String | STR15 | 15 | |
Key to the Users Master (SY01400).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].MDFUSRID AS 'PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File-Modified User ID'
,['Users Master'].USERID AS 'Users Master-User ID'
PM20100 AS ['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File']
DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['Users Master']
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].MDFUSRID = ['Users Master'].USERID | ||||||
64 | POSTEDDT | Posted Date | Date | DATE | 6 | |
65 | PTDUSRID | Posted User ID | String | STR15 | 15 | |
Key to the Users Master (SY01400).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].PTDUSRID AS 'PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File-Posted User ID'
,['Users Master'].USERID AS 'Users Master-User ID'
PM20100 AS ['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File']
DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['Users Master']
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].PTDUSRID = ['Users Master'].USERID | ||||||
66 | TEN99AMNT | 1099 Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
67 | RLGANLOS | Realized Gain-Loss Amount | Currency | DLR19_$S2 | 19 | |
68 | APYFRMRNDAMT | Apply From Round Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
69 | APYTORNDAMT | Apply To Round Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
70 | APYTORNDDISC | Apply To Round Discount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
71 | XCHGRATE | Exchange Rate | Currency (Variable) | DLR14_Exchange_Rate | 14 | |
72 | DECPLCUR | Decimal Places Currency | Integer | DDL_Decimal_Places_Dollars | 0 | |
Number of decimal places for the currency values, based on the item's settings.
Click to show/hide Decimal Places Currency7 0 decimals
8 1
9 2
10 3
11 4
12 5 | ||||||
73 | RATECALC | Rate Calc Method | Integer | INT | 0 | |
Rate Calc Method of the transaction. For non multi-currency transactions, this field will be blank.
Click to show/hide Rate Calc Methods0 Multiply
1 Divide | ||||||
74 | Payment_To_Print_On_Stub | Payment To Print On Stub | String | STR20_LBAU | 20 | |
75 | OAPYFRMRNDAMT | Originating Apply From Round Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
76 | OAPYTORNDAMT | Originating Apply To Round Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
77 | OAPYTORNDDISC | Originating Apply To Round Discount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
78 | Settled_Gain_CreditCurrT | Settled Gain CreditCurrTrx | Currency | DLR19_$S2 | 19 | |
79 | Settled_Loss_CreditCurrT | Settled Loss CreditCurrTrx | Currency | DLR19_$S2 | 19 | |
80 | Settled_Gain_DebitCurrTr | Settled Gain DebitCurrTrx | Currency | DLR19_$S2 | 19 | |
81 | Settled_Loss_DebitCurrTr | Settled Loss DebitCurrTrx | Currency | DLR19_$S2 | 19 | |
82 | Settled_Gain_DebitDiscAv | Settled Gain DebitDiscAvail | Currency | DLR19_$S2 | 19 | |
83 | Settled_Loss_DebitDiscAv | Settled Loss DebitDiscAvail | Currency | DLR19_$S2 | 19 | |
84 | VADCDTRO | Vendor Address Code - Remit To | String | STR15_Address_Code | 15 | |
Partial key to the PM Address MSTR (PM00300).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].VADCDTRO AS 'PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File-Vendor Address Code - Remit To'
,['PM Address MSTR'].ADRSCODE AS 'PM Address MSTR-Address Code'
PM20100 AS ['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File']
PM00300 AS ['PM Address MSTR']
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].VADCDTRO = ['PM Address MSTR'].ADRSCODE
['PM Apply To OPEN OPEN Temporary File'].VENDORID = ['PM Address MSTR'].VENDORID | ||||||
85 | Credit1099Amount | Credit 1099 Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
86 | DEFTEN99TYPE | Default 1099 Type | Integer | 1099_Type | 0 | |
87 | DEFTEN99BOXNUMBER | Default 1099 Box Number | Integer | DDL_1099_Box | 0 |