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Product: Mekorma MICR (2404)
Series: Company
Display Name: MSO_Integration_SETP_4
Physical Name: ME27654
Technical Name: MSO_Integration_SETP_4Seq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 CHEKBKID Checkbook ID STR15_Checkbook_ID String 15 Key to the CM Checkbook Master (CM00100).
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['MSO_Integration_SETP_4'].CHEKBKID AS 'MSO_Integration_SETP_4-Checkbook ID'
,['CM Checkbook Master'].CHEKBKID AS 'CM Checkbook Master-Checkbook ID'
ME27654 AS ['MSO_Integration_SETP_4']
CM00100 AS ['CM Checkbook Master']
['MSO_Integration_SETP_4'].CHEKBKID = ['CM Checkbook Master'].CHEKBKID
2 PRODID Product ID INT4 Integer 4 3 MSO_BeginPayablesDocumen MSO_BeginPayablesDocument boolean Boolean 0 4 MSO_BeginPayablesVendor MSO_BeginPayablesVendor boolean Boolean 0 5 MSO_BeginPayablesVoucher MSO_BeginPayablesVoucher boolean Boolean 0 6 MSO_BeginPayablesVouchGL MSO_BeginPayablesVoucherGLItem boolean Boolean 0 7 MSO_BeginPayrollDocument MSO_BeginPayrollDocument boolean Boolean 0 8 MSO_BeginPayrollEmployee MSO_BeginPayrollEmployee boolean Boolean 0 9 MSO_EndPayablesDocument MSO_EndPayablesDocument boolean Boolean 0 10 MSO_EndPayablesVendor MSO_EndPayablesVendor boolean Boolean 0 11 MSO_EndPayablesVoucher MSO_EndPayablesVoucher boolean Boolean 0 12 MSO_EndPayablesVouchGL MSO_EndPayablesVoucherGLItem boolean Boolean 0 13 MSO_EndPayrollDocument MSO_EndPayrollDocument boolean Boolean 0 14 MSO_EndPayrollEmployee MSO_EndPayrollEmployee boolean Boolean 0 15 MSO_IntegratedProductEna MSO_IntegratedProductEnabled boolean Boolean 0 16 MSO_PayrollSortKey MSO_PayrollSortKey Boolean Boolean 0 17 MSO_PayablesSortKey MSO_PayablesSortKey boolean Boolean 0 18 MSO_Payables_Handle_Take MSO_Payables_Handle_Take_Over_Print_Job MSO_Handle_Take_Over_Print_Job Boolean 0