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Product: Mekorma MICR (2404)
Series: Company
Display Name: Mekorma MICR Check Audit
Physical Name: ME240449
Technical Name: ME_CheckAuditSeq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 Queue_ID Queue ID INT2 Integer 2 2 CHEKBKID Checkbook ID STR15_Checkbook_ID String 15 Key to the CM Checkbook Master (CM00100).
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['Mekorma MICR Check Audit'].CHEKBKID AS 'Mekorma MICR Check Audit-Checkbook ID'
,['CM Checkbook Master'].CHEKBKID AS 'CM Checkbook Master-Checkbook ID'
ME240449 AS ['Mekorma MICR Check Audit']
CM00100 AS ['CM Checkbook Master']
['Mekorma MICR Check Audit'].CHEKBKID = ['CM Checkbook Master'].CHEKBKID
3 BACHNUMB Batch Number STR15_LBAU String 15 4 USERID User ID STR15_User_ID String 15 Key to the Users Master (SY01400).
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['Mekorma MICR Check Audit'].USERID AS 'Mekorma MICR Check Audit-User ID'
,['Users Master'].USERID AS 'Users Master-User ID'
ME240449 AS ['Mekorma MICR Check Audit']
DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['Users Master']
['Mekorma MICR Check Audit'].USERID = ['Users Master'].USERID
5 PMNTNMBR Payment Number STR20_LBAU String 20 6 DOCNUMBR Document Number STR20_Document_Number String 20 7 MEORIGBACHNUMB ME_OrigBatchNumber STR15_LBAU String 15 8 MEBATCHCHECKBOOKID ME_BatchCheckbookID STR15_Checkbook_ID String 15 9 CHKCOUNT Check Count INT4_U0 Integer 4 10 CHEKAMNT Check Amount DLR19_RBS0_UTR$ Currency 19 11 CREATDDT Created Date DT Date 8 12 CRUSRID Created User ID STR15_User_ID String 15 13 ME_Path ME_Path STR255 String 255 14 ME_Check_STB_FileNEW ME_Check_STB_File STR132 String 132 15 ME_Check_STB_Version ME_Check_STB_Version INT Integer 0 16 ME_Overflow_STB_FileNEW ME_Overflow_STB_File STR132 String 132 17 ME_Overflow_STB_Version ME_Overflow_STB_Version INT Integer 0 18 ME_Refund_Checks_STB_Fil ME_Refund_Checks_STB_File STR132 String 132 19 MEREFSTBVER ME_Refund_Checks_STB_Version INT Integer 0 20 ME_Refund_Checks_Overflo ME_Refund_Checks_Overflow_STB_File STR132 String 132 21 MEREFOVERSION ME_Refund_Checks_Overflow_STB_Version INT Integer 0 22 ME_Copy_STB_File ME_Copy_STB_File STR132 String 132 23 ME_Copy_STB_Version ME_Copy_STB_Version INT Integer 0 24 ME_Copy_Overflow_STB_Fil ME_Copy_Overflow_STB_File STR132 String 132 25 ME_Copy_Overflow_STB_Ver ME_Copy_Overflow_STB_Version INT Integer 0 26 BACHDATE Batch Date DT Date 8 27 TIME1 Time TM6 Time 6 28 MEUSERID1 ME_UserID1 User_ID String 15 29 MEUSERID2 ME_UserID2 User_ID String 15 30 MESEQNUMBR ME_SeqNumber LI_Sequence_Number Long Integer 10 31 CURNCYID Currency ID STR15_Currency_ID String 15 Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).
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['Mekorma MICR Check Audit'].CURNCYID AS 'Mekorma MICR Check Audit-Currency ID'
,['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID AS 'Currency Setup-Currency ID'
ME240449 AS ['Mekorma MICR Check Audit']
DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
['Mekorma MICR Check Audit'].CURNCYID = ['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID
32 CURRNIDX Currency Index INT3 Integer 3 Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).
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['Mekorma MICR Check Audit'].CURRNIDX AS 'Mekorma MICR Check Audit-Currency Index'
,['Currency Setup'].CURRNIDX AS 'Currency Setup-Currency Index'
ME240449 AS ['Mekorma MICR Check Audit']
DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
['Mekorma MICR Check Audit'].CURRNIDX = ['Currency Setup'].CURRNIDX
33 MEATTCHIDS_1 ME_AttachmentIDs[1] GUIDString String 36 34 MEATTCHIDS_2 ME_AttachmentIDs[2] GUIDString String 36 35 MEATTCHIDS_3 ME_AttachmentIDs[3] GUIDString String 36 36 MEATTCHIDS_4 ME_AttachmentIDs[4] GUIDString String 36 37 MEATTCHIDS_5 ME_AttachmentIDs[5] GUIDString String 36 38 MEATTCHIDS_6 ME_AttachmentIDs[6] GUIDString String 36