Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/PO10302
Product: WennSoft Products (131)
Series: Purchasing
Display Name: Receivings_WORK_LINE_File
Physical Name: PO10302
Technical Name: Receivings_WORK_LINE_FileSeq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 PURORDTYP Purchase_Order_Type_DDL DDL_Purchase_Order_Type Integer 0 2 Cost_Per_Unit_UFM_DOL Cost_Per_Unit_UFM_DOL DLR17_RBS0_STR$ Currency 17 3 Cost_Per_Unit_UFM_DOL_FC Cost_Per_Unit_UFM_DOL_FC DLR17_RBS0_STR$ Currency 17 4 RECNUM Receivings_Number_STR STR17_LBAU String 17 5 RECLINSEQ Receivings_Line_Sequence_DOL DLR17_RBS0_STR Currency 17 6 RLT Receivings_Line_Total_DOL DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ Currency 17 7 DACB Details_Amended_CB CB Boolean 0 8 PYMTRMID Payment Terms ID STR20_Payment_Terms_ID String 20 Key to the Payment Terms Master (SY03300).
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['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].PYMTRMID AS 'Receivings_WORK_LINE_File-Payment Terms ID'
,['Payment Terms Master'].PYMTRMID AS 'Payment Terms Master-Payment Terms ID'
PO10302 AS ['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File']
SY03300 AS ['Payment Terms Master']
['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].PYMTRMID = ['Payment Terms Master'].PYMTRMID
9 FRTAMNT Freight Amount DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ Currency 17 10 TAXAMNT Tax Amount DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ Currency 17 11 DOCNUMBR Document Number STR20_Document_Number String 20 12 VCHRNMBR Voucher Number STR20_LBAU String 20 Partial key to the PM Key Master File (PM00400).
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['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].VCHRNMBR AS 'Receivings_WORK_LINE_File-Voucher Number'
,['PM Key Master File'].CNTRLNUM AS 'PM Key Master File-Control Number'
PO10302 AS ['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File']
PM00400 AS ['PM Key Master File']
['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].VCHRNMBR = ['PM Key Master File'].CNTRLNUM
['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].DOCTYPE = ['PM Key Master File'].DOCTYPE
13 PONUMWRK Purchase_Order_Number_WORK_STR STR20_LBAU String 20 14 PURORDLINSEQ Purchase_Order_Line_Sequence_DOL DLR17_RBS0_STR Currency 17 15 ITMNUM Item_Number_STR STR30_Item_Number String 30 16 LOCNCODE Location Code STR10_Location_Code String 10 Key to the Site Setup (IV40700).
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['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].LOCNCODE AS 'Receivings_WORK_LINE_File-Location Code'
,['Site Setup'].LOCNCODE AS 'Site Setup-Location Code'
PO10302 AS ['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File']
IV40700 AS ['Site Setup']
['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].LOCNCODE = ['Site Setup'].LOCNCODE
17 BLC Backout Location Code STR10_Location_Code String 10 18 QTYREC Quantity_Received_DOL DLR17_RBS0_STR Currency 17 19 UOM Unit_Of_Measure_STR U_Of_M String 8 20 FFQ Factor_For_Quantity DLR19_QTY_RBS0_STR Currency 19 21 ACTUNTCST Actual_Unit_Cost_DOL PO_Unit_Cost_VC Currency (Variable) 23 22 QTYREJ0 Quantity_Rejected_DOL DLR17_RBS0_STR Currency 17 23 QTYWO Quantity_Write_Off_DOL DLR17_RBS0_STR Currency 17 24 QTYINV Quantity_Invoiced_DOL DLR17_RBS0_STR Currency 17 25 REFNUM Reference_Number_STR STR20 String 20 26 VNDITMNUM Vendor_Item_Number_STR STR30_Item_Number String 30 27 REJID Rejection_ID_STR STR10_LBU String 10 28 REJDESC Rejection_Description_STR STR40 String 40 29 COMMID Comment_ID_STR STR10_LBU String 10 30 PURACCACCT Purchase_Accruals_Account_Index_LI LI_14 Long Integer 14 31 ACCTPAYACCACCT Accounts_Payable_Accrual_Account_Index_LI LI_14 Long Integer 14 32 PURACCT Purchases_Account_Index_LI LI_14 Long Integer 14 33 Cost_Element Cost Element INT3_RB0_U Integer 3 34 MISC1 Misc_1_CB CB Boolean 0 35 COMMNTID Comment ID STR15_Comment_ID String 15 Key to the Comment Master (SY04200).
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['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].COMMNTID AS 'Receivings_WORK_LINE_File-Comment ID'
,['Comment Master'].COMMNTID AS 'Comment Master-Comment ID'
PO10302 AS ['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File']
SY04200 AS ['Comment Master']
['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].COMMNTID = ['Comment Master'].COMMNTID
36 NONINVEN Non IV INT1 Integer 1 37 CUSTNMBR Customer Number STR15_RM_Customer_Number String 15 Key to the RM Customer MSTR (RM00101).
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['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].CUSTNMBR AS 'Receivings_WORK_LINE_File-Customer Number'
,['RM Customer MSTR'].CUSTNMBR AS 'RM Customer MSTR-Customer Number'
PO10302 AS ['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File']
RM00101 AS ['RM Customer MSTR']
['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].CUSTNMBR = ['RM Customer MSTR'].CUSTNMBR
38 PCBJOBNUMBER PCB_Job_Number_STR STR10 String 10 39 PCBTASKNUM PCB_Task_Number_STR STR10_Job String 10 40 PCBPNUM PCB_Phase_Number_STR STR10_Job String 10 41 PCB_Cost_ClassDDL PCB_Cost_Classification_DDL PCB_Cost_Classification_DDL Integer 0 42 SOPNUMBE SOP Number STR20_SOP_Number String 17 43 POFCAMOUNT PO_FC_Amount_DOL DLR19_RBS0_STR$ Currency 19 44 POEXCHANERATE PO_Exchange_Rate DLR14_Exchange_Rate Currency (Variable) 14 45 CURNCYID Currency ID STR15_Currency_ID String 15 Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).
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['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].CURNCYID AS 'Receivings_WORK_LINE_File-Currency ID'
,['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID AS 'Currency Setup-Currency ID'
PO10302 AS ['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File']
DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
['Receivings_WORK_LINE_File'].CURNCYID = ['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID
46 LCSCHEDULE LC_Schedule_ID_STR LC_STR15_LBU String 15 47 LCACTVALUE LC_Actual_Value_DOL DLR17_RBS0_STR$ Currency 17 48 LCLNSEQNBR LC_Line_SEQ_Number Sequence_Number Currency 19 49 RETNAGAM Retainage Amount DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ Currency 17 50 WS_Job_Number WS Job Number STR17_LBAU String 17 51 Cost_Code_Number_1 Cost Code Number:CC_Phase STR6_CC_Phase String 6 52 Cost_Code_Number_2 Cost Code Number:CC_Step STR6_CC_Steps String 6 53 Cost_Code_Number_3 Cost Code Number:CC_Detail STR6_CC_Detail String 6 54 Cost_Code_Number_4 Cost Code Number:CC_Component STR6_CC_Component String 6 55 PO_FC_Actual_Unit_Cost_D PO_FC_Actual_Unit_Cost_DOL PO_Unit_Cost_VC Currency (Variable) 23 56 FCFreight PO_FC_Freight_Amount_DOL DLR19_RBS0_STR$ Currency 19 57 fctax PO_FC_Tax_Amount_DOL DLR19_RBS0_STR$ Currency 19 58 PO_FC_Retainage_Amount PO_FC_Retainage_Amount_DOL DLR19_RBS0_STR$ Currency 19 59 PCB_Job_Line_Sequence PCB_Job_Line_Sequence_DOL Sequence_Number Currency 19 60 INTLRSVBOOL1 INTL_RSV_BOOL_1 Boolean Boolean 0 61 INTLRSVBOOL2 INTL_RSV_BOOL_2 Boolean Boolean 0 62 INTLRSVDATE1 INTL_RSV_DATE_1 DATE Date 6 63 INTLRSVDATE2 INTL_RSV_DATE_2 DATE Date 6 64 INTLRSVDOL141 INTL_RSV_DOL14_1 DLR14 Currency 14 65 INTLRSVDOL142 INTL_RSV_DOL14_2 DLR14 Currency 14 66 INTLRSVINT61 INTL_RSV_INT6_1 LI6_S2 Long Integer 6 67 INTLRSVINT62 INTL_RSV_INT6_2 LI6_S2 Long Integer 6 68 INTLRSVSTR301 INTL_RSV_STR30_1 STR30 String 30 69 INTLRSVSTR302 INTL_RSV_STR30_2 STR30 String 30