Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/SV00201
Product: WennSoft Products (131)
Series: 3rd Party
Display Name: SV_SubLocation_MSTR
Physical Name: SV00201
Technical Name: SV_SubLocation_MSTR
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length | |
1 | CUSTNMBR | Customer Number | STR15_RM_Customer_Number | String | 15 | |
Key to the RM Customer MSTR (RM00101).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['SV_SubLocation_MSTR'].CUSTNMBR AS 'SV_SubLocation_MSTR-Customer Number'
,['RM Customer MSTR'].CUSTNMBR AS 'RM Customer MSTR-Customer Number'
SV00201 AS ['SV_SubLocation_MSTR']
RM00101 AS ['RM Customer MSTR']
['SV_SubLocation_MSTR'].CUSTNMBR = ['RM Customer MSTR'].CUSTNMBR | ||||||
2 | ADRSCODE | Address Code | STR15_Address_Code | String | 15 | |
3 | Location_Equipment | Location Equipment | STR50_LBU | String | 50 | |
4 | WSSubLocationDescription | WSSubLocationDescription | STR30 | String | 30 | |
5 | Bar_Code_ID | WSBarCodeID | STR50 | String | 50 | |
6 | MODIFDT | Modified Date | DT | Date | 8 | |
7 | Modified_Time | Modified Time | TM6 | Time | 6 | |
8 | MDFUSRID | Modified User ID | STR15 | String | 15 | |
Key to the Users Master (SY01400).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['SV_SubLocation_MSTR'].MDFUSRID AS 'SV_SubLocation_MSTR-Modified User ID'
,['Users Master'].USERID AS 'Users Master-User ID'
SV00201 AS ['SV_SubLocation_MSTR']
DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['Users Master']
['SV_SubLocation_MSTR'].MDFUSRID = ['Users Master'].USERID | ||||||
9 | Wennsoft_Affiliate | Wennsoft Affiliate | STR15_LBAU | String | 15 | |
10 | Wennsoft_Region | Wennsoft Region | STR15_LBAU | String | 15 | |
11 | Wennsoft_Branch | Wennsoft Branch | STR15_LBAU | String | 15 | |
12 | Service_User_Define_1 | Service User Define 1 | STR20 | String | 20 | |
13 | Service_User_Define_2 | Service User Define 2 | STR20 | String | 20 | |
14 | Service_User_Define_3 | Service User Define 3 | STR30 | String | 30 | |
15 | Service_User_Define_4 | Service User Define 4 | STR30 | String | 30 | |
16 | Service_User_Define_5 | Service User Define 5 | LI6_S2 | Long Integer | 6 | |
17 | Service_User_Define_6 | Service User Define 6 | LI6_S2 | Long Integer | 6 | |
18 | Service_User_Define_9 | Service User Define 9 | DT | Date | 8 | |
19 | Service_User_Define_10 | Service User Define 10 | DT | Date | 8 | |
20 | Service_User_Define_11 | Service User Define 11 | DT | Date | 8 | |
21 | Service_User_Define_12 | Service User Define 12 | DT | Date | 8 | |
22 | Service_User_Define_13 | Service User Define 13 | DLR14_RBS0_STR$ | Currency | 14 | |
23 | Service_User_Define_14 | Service User Define 14 | DLR14_RBS0_UTR$ | Currency | 14 | |
24 | Service_User_Define_18 | Service User Define 18 | CB | Boolean | 0 | |
25 | Service_User_Define_19 | Service User Define 19 | CB | Boolean | 0 | |
26 | WSReserved_CB1 | WSReserved CB1 | CB | Boolean | 0 | |
27 | WSReserved_CB2 | WSReserved CB2 | CB | Boolean | 0 | |
28 | WSReserved_CB3 | WSReserved CB3 | CB | Boolean | 0 | |
29 | WSReserved_STR1 | WSReserved STR1 | STR10 | String | 10 | |
30 | WSReserved_STR2 | WSReserved STR2 | STR10 | String | 10 | |
31 | Record_Notes | Record Notes | TX32000 | Text | 32000 |