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Product: WennSoft Products (131)
Series: 3rd Party
Display Name: JC_Certified_Payroll_VIEW
Physical Name: JC90200
Technical Name: JC_Certified_Payroll_VIEWSeq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 WS_Job_Number WS Job Number STR17_LBAU String 17 2 EMPLOYID Employee ID STR15_Employee_ID String 15 3 TRXBEGDT TRX Beginning Date DT Date 8 4 TRXENDDT TRX Ending Date DT Date 8 5 UPRTRXCD UPR TRX Code STR6_Payroll_Code String 6 6 PAYTYPE Pay Type DDL_Pay_Types Integer 0 7 TRXHRUNT TRX Hours/Units LI6_S2 Long Integer 6 8 UNITCOST Unit Cost DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ Currency 17 9 TRX_QTY_PR TRX QTY PR LI6_S2 Long Integer 6 10 Monday Monday LI6_S2 Long Integer 6 11 Tuesday Tuesday LI6_S2 Long Integer 6 12 Wednesday Wednesday LI6_S2 Long Integer 6 13 Thursday Thursday LI6_S2 Long Integer 6 14 Friday Friday LI6_S2 Long Integer 6 15 Saturday Saturday LI6_S2 Long Integer 6 16 Sunday Sunday LI6_S2 Long Integer 6 17 NTWPYRN Net Wages/Pay Run DLR11_$S2 Currency 14 18 FCASWPR FICA/Social Security Withholding/Pay Run DLR11_$S2 Currency 14 19 GRWGPRN Gross Wages/Pay Run DLR11_$S2 Currency 14 20 FDWDGPRN Federal Withholding/Pay Run DLR11_$S2 Currency 14 21 FICAMWPR FICA/Medicare Withholding/Pay Run DLR11_$S2 Currency 14 22 TTLDDTNS Total Deductions DLR11_$S2 Currency 14 23 SOCSCNUM Social Security Number STR15_Social_Security_Number String 15 24 State_and_Local_Taxes State and Local Taxes DLR11_$S2 Currency 14 25 Total_Deductions_CP Total Deductions CP DLR11_$S2 Currency 14 26 ADDRESS1 Address 1 STR60 String 60 27 ADDRESS2 Address 2 STR60 String 60 28 CITY City STR35 String 35 29 STATE State STR30_State String 29 30 ZIPCODE Zip Code STR10 String 10 31 FRSTNAME First Name STR15 String 15 32 MIDLNAME Middle Name STR15 String 15 33 LASTNAME Last Name STR20 String 20 34 Cost_Code_Act_Cost_TTD Cost Code Actual Cost TTD DLR14_STR Currency 14