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Product: SmartList Builder (3830)
Series: System
Display Name: Navigation List Actions
Physical Name: NLB10400
Technical Name: NLB_ActionsSeq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 Navigation_ID Navigation List ID STR15_LBAU String 15 2 Ribbon_Command_Group Ribbon Command Group Ribbon Command Group Integer 0 3 Command_Number Ribbon Command Number INT5 Integer 4 4 Command_Description Ribbon Command Description STR80 String 80 5 Command_Type Ribbon Command Type Ribbon Command Type Integer 0 6 PRODID Product ID INT4 Integer 4 7 FORMNAME Form Name STR79 String 79 8 fileName fileName STR255 String 255 9 Table_Number Table Number INT5 Integer 4 10 Field_Number Field Number INT2 Integer 2 11 PRCDNAME Procedure Name STR255 String 255 12 Ribbon_Button_Size Ribbon Button Size Ribbon Button Size Integer 0 13 Ribbon_Button_Priority Ribbon Button Priority Ribbon Button Priority Integer 0 14 RPRTNAME Report Name STR30 String 30 15 ASKECHTM Ask Each Time CB_Ask_Each_Time Boolean 0 16 PRTOSCRN Print to Screen CB_Print_to_Screen Boolean 0 17 PRTOPRTR Print to Printer CB_Print_to_Printer Boolean 0 18 PRNTOFIL Print to File CB_Print_to_File Boolean 0 19 FILEXPNM File Export Name STR255 String 255 20 XPRTFTYP Export File Type DDL_Export_File_Type Integer 0 21 Action_Type Action Type INT5 Integer 4 22 Drill_Down_ID Drill Down ID STR15_LBAU String 15 23 TXTFIELD Text Field TX32000 Text 32000