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Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP (0)
Series: Payroll
Display Name: Payroll Timecard Start/Stop Detail
Physical Name: UPR10502
Technical Name: uprTimecardStartStopDtlSeq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 EMPLOYID Employee ID String STR15_Employee_ID 15 2 Pay_Schedule Pay Schedule String STR15_Pay_Schedule 15 3 YEAR1 Year Integer Year 4 4 PERIODID Period ID Integer INT3 3 5 TRXNUMBER TRX Number Long Integer LI8_U0 8 6 LNSEQNBR Line SEQ Number Currency Sequence_Number 19 7 STRTTIME Start Time Time TM6 6 8 ENDTIME End Time Time TM6 6 9 UNTSTOPY Units To Pay Currency DLR11_S2 11