Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/IV70500
Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP (0)
Series: Inventory
Display Name: Inventory Report Options Group Display Name: Inventory Report Options
Physical Name: IV70500
Technical Name: IV_Options_ROPT
Group Technical Name: Inventory Report Options
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length |
1 | PRTBYSIT | Print by Site | Integer | GB | 0 |
2 | PRNTOPTN | Print Option | Integer | GB | 0 |
3 | STTGNDSC | Start Generic Description | String | STR10 | 10 |
4 | ENGENDSC | End Generic Description | String | STR10 | 10 |
5 | ENUSRCAT | End User Category | STR10 | String | 10 |
6 | ENUSRCAT_1 | End User Category[1] | String | STR10 | 10 |
7 | ENUSRCAT_2 | End User Category[2] | String | STR10 | 10 |
8 | ENUSRCAT_3 | End User Category[3] | String | STR10 | 10 |
9 | ENUSRCAT_4 | End User Category[4] | String | STR10 | 10 |
10 | ENUSRCAT_5 | End User Category[5] | String | STR10 | 10 |
11 | ENUSRCAT_6 | End User Category[6] | String | STR10 | 10 |
12 | KITSRTBY | Kit Sort By | Integer | GB | 0 |
13 | STRTUCAT_1 | Start User Category[1] | String | STR10 | 10 |
14 | STRTUCAT_2 | Start User Category[2] | String | STR10 | 10 |
15 | STRTUCAT | Start User Category | STR10 | String | 10 |
16 | STRTUCAT_3 | Start User Category[3] | String | STR10 | 10 |
17 | STRTUCAT_4 | Start User Category[4] | String | STR10 | 10 |
18 | STRTUCAT_5 | Start User Category[5] | String | STR10 | 10 |
19 | STRTUCAT_6 | Start User Category[6] | String | STR10 | 10 |
20 | STTITNUM | Start Item Number | String | STR30_Item_Number | 30 |
21 | ENITMNBR | End Item Number | String | STR30_Item_Number | 30 |
22 | PRVDRINF | Print Vendor Information | Integer | GB | 0 |
23 | PRTDSCNT | Print Discontinued | Boolean | CB_Discontinued | 0 |
24 | FINRPTNM | Financial Report Name | String | STR30 | 30 |
25 | PRNTNOTS | Print Notes | Boolean | CB_Print_Notes | 0 |
26 | PRNTTYPE | Print Type | Integer | GB | 0 |
27 | ASKECHTM | Ask Each Time | Boolean | CB_Ask_Each_Time | 0 |
28 | INCLGNDS | Include Legends | Boolean | CB_Include_Legends | 0 |
29 | PRNTOFIL | Print to File | Boolean | CB_Print_to_File | 0 |
30 | PRTOPRTR | Print to Printer | Boolean | CB_Print_to_Printer | 0 |
31 | PRTOSCRN | Print to Screen | Boolean | CB_Print_to_Screen | 0 |
32 | IFFILXST | If File Existing | Integer | GB | 0 |
33 | FILEXPNM | File Export Name | String | STR255 | 255 |
34 | EXPTTYPE | Export Type | Integer | INT | 0 |
35 | RPTGRIND | Report Group Index | Integer | INT | 0 |
36 | STTCLASS | Start Class | String | STR10_Item_Class_Code | 10 |
37 | ENDCLASS | End Class | String | STR10_Item_Class_Code | 10 |
38 | STTSCHED | Start Schedule | String | STR10_Schedule | 10 |
39 | ENSCHDUL | End Schedule | String | STR10_Schedule | 10 |
40 | STTLOCCD | Start Location Code | String | STR10_Location_Code | 10 |
41 | ENLOCNCD | End Location Code | String | STR10_Location_Code | 10 |
42 | STTLOTTY | Start Lot Type | String | STR10_Lot_Type | 10 |
43 | ENLOTTYP | End Lot Type | String | STR10_Lot_Type | 10 |
44 | STRTNGDT | Starting Date | Date | DT | 8 |
45 | ENDINGDT | Ending Date | Date | DT | 8 |
46 | ENDTKNDT | End Token Date | Integer | DDL_End_Dates | 0 |
47 | STTOKNDT | Start Token Date | Integer | DDL_Start_Dates | 0 |
48 | STRCTNUM | Start Receipt Number | String | STR20_Document_Number | 20 |
49 | ENRCTNBR | End Receipt Number | String | STR20_Document_Number | 20 |
50 | RTPACHIN | Report Palette Choice Index | Integer | INT | 0 |
51 | RTGRSBIN | Report Group Sub Index | Currency | DLR14 | 14 |
52 | SORTBY | Sort By | Integer | DDL_Sort_By | 0 |
53 | PRTSRLOT | Print Serial Lot | Boolean | CB_Print_Serial_Lot | 0 |
54 | INZROQTY | Include Zero QTY | Boolean | CB_Include_Zero_QTY | 0 |
55 | PRTITQTY | Print Item Quantities | Boolean | CB_Print_Item_QTYS | 0 |
56 | STTBINUM | Start Bin Number | String | STR20 | 20 |
57 | ENBINNBR | End Bin Number | String | STR20 | 20 |
58 | STDOCNUM | Start Document Number | String | STR20 | 20 |
59 | ENDOCNUM | End Document Number | String | STR20 | 20 |
60 | STDOCTYP | Start Document Type | Integer | INT1 | 1 |
61 | ENDOCTYP | End Document Type | Integer | INT1 | 1 |
62 | STTMODUL | Start Module | String | STR3 | 3 |
63 | ENDMODUL | End Module | String | STR3 | 3 |
64 | STRXSRC | Start TRX Source | String | STR13 | 13 |
65 | ENTRXSRC | End TRX Source | String | STR13 | 13 |
66 | STBCHSRC | Start Batch Source | String | STR15 | 15 |
67 | ENBCHSRC | End Batch Source | String | STR15 | 15 |
68 | STBCHNUM | Start Batch Number | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 |
69 | ENDBNMBR | End Batch Number | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 |
70 | STVNDRID | Start Vendor ID | String | STR15_LBU | 15 |
71 | ENDVNDID | End Vendor ID | String | STR15_LBU | 15 |
72 | INQTYREQ | Include QTY Requisitioned | Boolean | CB_QTY_Requisitioned | 0 |
73 | INZRORLV | Include Zero Reorder Level | Boolean | CB_Zero_Reorder | 0 |
74 | CALSGQTY | Calc Suggested QTYS | Integer | GB | 0 |
75 | RCPTOPTS | Receipt Options | Integer | DDL_Print_Option | 0 |
76 | VENDROPT | Vendor Options | Integer | DDL_Vendor_Option | 0 |
77 | SEGSRTBY | Segment Sort By | Integer | INT1 | 1 |
78 | STTACNUM_1 | Start Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool1 | String | Account_Segment_Pool1 | 6 |
79 | STTACNUM_2 | Start Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool2 | String | Account_Segment_Pool2 | 6 |
80 | STTACNUM_3 | Start Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool3 | String | Account_Segment_Pool3 | 6 |
81 | STTACNUM | Start Account Number | Account_Number | Composite | 80 |
82 | STTACNUM_4 | Start Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool4 | String | Account_Segment_Pool4 | 6 |
83 | STTACNUM_5 | Start Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool5 | String | Account_Segment_Pool5 | 6 |
84 | STTACNUM_6 | Start Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool6 | String | Account_Segment_Pool6 | 6 |
85 | STTACNUM_7 | Start Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool7 | String | Account_Segment_Pool7 | 6 |
86 | STTACNUM_8 | Start Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 | String | Account_Segment_Pool8 | 6 |
87 | STTACNUM_9 | Start Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool9 | String | Account_Segment_Pool9 | 6 |
88 | STTACNUM_10 | Start Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool10 | String | Account_Segment_Pool10 | 6 |
89 | EACCNBR_1 | End Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool1 | String | Account_Segment_Pool1 | 6 |
90 | EACCNBR_2 | End Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool2 | String | Account_Segment_Pool2 | 6 |
91 | EACCNBR_3 | End Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool3 | String | Account_Segment_Pool3 | 6 |
92 | EACCNBR | End Account Number | Account_Number | Composite | 80 |
93 | EACCNBR_4 | End Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool4 | String | Account_Segment_Pool4 | 6 |
94 | EACCNBR_5 | End Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool5 | String | Account_Segment_Pool5 | 6 |
95 | EACCNBR_6 | End Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool6 | String | Account_Segment_Pool6 | 6 |
96 | EACCNBR_7 | End Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool7 | String | Account_Segment_Pool7 | 6 |
97 | EACCNBR_8 | End Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 | String | Account_Segment_Pool8 | 6 |
98 | EACCNBR_9 | End Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool9 | String | Account_Segment_Pool9 | 6 |
99 | EACCNBR_10 | End Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool10 | String | Account_Segment_Pool10 | 6 |
100 | SEGMNTRG | Using Segment Range | Integer | INT | 0 |
101 | Start_PriceLevel | Start PriceLevel | String | STR10_PriceLevel | 10 |
102 | End_PriceLevel | End PriceLevel | String | STR10_PriceLevel | 10 |
103 | Start_QTY_Type | Start QTY Type | Integer | DDL_QTY_Type | 0 |
104 | End_QTY_Type | End QTY Type | Integer | DDL_QTY_Type | 0 |
105 | Start_Component_Item_Num | Start Component Item Number | String | STR30_Item_Number | 30 |
106 | End_Component_Item_Numbe | End Component Item Number | String | STR30_Item_Number | 30 |
107 | BM_Assembly_Journal | BM Assembly Journal | Boolean | CB_BM_Assembly_Journal | 0 |
108 | BM_Distribution_Detail | BM Distribution Detail | Boolean | CB_BM_Distribution_Detail | 0 |
109 | BM_Bill_Status_Active | BM Bill Status Active | Boolean | BM Bill Status Active | 0 |
110 | BM_Bill_Status_Pending | BM Bill Status Pending | Boolean | BM Bill Status Pending | 0 |
111 | BM_Bill_Status_Obsolete | BM Bill Status Obsolete | Boolean | BM Bill Status Obsolete | 0 |
112 | BM_Comp_Status_Active | BM Comp Status Active | Boolean | BM Comp Status Active | 0 |
113 | BM_Comp_Status_Pending | BM Comp Status Pending | Boolean | BM Comp Status Pending | 0 |
114 | BM_Comp_Status_Obsolete | BM Comp Status Obsolete | Boolean | BM Comp Status Obsolete | 0 |
115 | BM_Comp_Type_Misc_Charge | BM Comp Type Misc Charges | Boolean | BM Comp Type Misc Charges | 0 |
116 | BM_Comp_Type_Services | BM Comp Type Services | Boolean | BM Comp Type Services | 0 |
117 | BM_Comp_Type_Flat_Fee | BM Comp Type Flat Fee | Boolean | BM Comp Type Flat Fee | 0 |
118 | BM_Print_Notes_Bill | BM Print Notes Bill | Boolean | BM Print Notes Bill | 0 |
119 | BM_Print_Notes_Comp | BM Print Notes Comp | Boolean | BM Print Notes Comp | 0 |
120 | BM_Print_Cost_Options | BM Print Cost Options | Integer | GB | 0 |
121 | Max_Levels | Max Levels | Integer | DDL_Max_Levels | 0 |
122 | DATE1 | Date | Date | DT6 | 6 |
123 | BMTRXSTATNOTREL | BM Trx Status Not Released | Boolean | CB_BM_Trx_Status_Not_Released | 0 |
124 | BMTRXSTATREL | BM Trx Status Released | Boolean | CB_BM_Trx_Status_Released | 0 |
125 | OPTIONS | Options | Integer | DDL | 0 |
126 | Start_TRX_ID | Start TRX ID | String | STR17_TRX_ID | 17 |
127 | End_TRX_ID | End TRX ID | String | STR17_TRX_ID | 17 |
128 | Starting_TRX_Date | Starting TRX Date | Date | DT_Date | 6 |
129 | Ending_TRX_Date | Ending TRX Date | Date | DT_Date | 6 |
130 | STRTSRLT | Start Serial/Lot Number | String | STR20 | 20 |
131 | ENDSERLT | End Serial/Lot Number | String | STR20 | 20 |
132 | StartPriceGroup | Start Price Group | String | STR10_LBAU | 10 |
133 | EndPriceGroup | End Price Group | String | STR10_LBAU | 10 |
134 | STCURRID | Start Currency ID | String | STR15_Currency_ID | 15 |
135 | ENDCURID | End Currency ID | String | STR15_Currency_ID | 15 |
136 | STRTABCCD | Start ABC Code | Integer | DDL_ABC_Code | 0 |
137 | ENDABCCD | End ABC Code | Integer | DDL_ABC_Code | 0 |
138 | STRTSTCKCNTID | Start Stock Count ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 |
139 | ENDSTCKCNTID | End Stock Count ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 |
140 | Start_Landed_Cost_ID | Start Landed Cost ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 |
141 | End_Landed_Cost_ID | End Landed Cost ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 |
142 | Start_LandedCostGroupID | Start Landed Cost Group ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 |
143 | End_LandedCostGroupID | End Landed Cost Group ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 |
144 | ASOFDATE | As Of Date | Date | DATE | 6 |
145 | INZRQTYI | Include Zero Qty Items | Boolean | CB_IncludeZeroQtyItems | 0 |
146 | STARTBIN | Start Bin | String | STR15_Bin | 15 |
147 | ENDBIN | End Bin | String | STR15_Bin | 15 |
148 | LNGSTRTDESC | Long Start Description | String | STR100 | 100 |
149 | LNGENDDESC | Long End Description | String | STR100 | 100 |
150 | USEGLPOSTINGDATE | Use GL Posting Date | Boolean | CB_Use_GL_Posting_Date | 0 |
151 | INNGVQTY | Include Negative QTY | Boolean | CB_Include_Negative_QTY | 0 |
152 | COSTAVGPERIODIC | Cost For Periodic Average Items | Integer | DDL_CostItems | 0 |
153 | PRTINACT | Print Inactive | Boolean | CB_Inactive_Items | 0 |