Distribution Account Master (GL00100)

azurecurveProductsMicrosoft Dynamics GP (0)FinancialDistribution Account Master (GL00100)

Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/GL00100

Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP (0)
Series: Financial

Display Name: Account Master
Physical Name: GL00100
Technical Name: GL_Account_MSTR

Group Display Name: Account Master
Group Technical Name: Account Master

Seq NoPhysical NameDisplay NameDexterity Data TypeSQL Data TypeLength
1ACTINDX SearchAccount IndexLong IntegerLI_1414
Key to the Account Index Master (GL00105).

Click to show/hide

       ['Account Master'].ACTINDX AS 'Account Master-Account Index'
       ,['Account Index Master'].ACTINDX AS 'Account Index Master-Account Index'
       GL00100 AS ['Account Master']
       GL00105 AS ['Account Index Master']
                     ['Account Master'].ACTINDX = ['Account Index Master'].ACTINDX
2ACTNUMBR SearchAccount NumberAccount_NumberComposite 80
3ACTNUMBR_1 SearchAccount Number:Account_Segment_Pool1StringAccount_Segment_Pool16
4ACTNUMBR_2 SearchAccount Number:Account_Segment_Pool2StringAccount_Segment_Pool26
5ACTNUMBR_3 SearchAccount Number:Account_Segment_Pool3StringAccount_Segment_Pool36
6ACTNUMBR_4 SearchAccount Number:Account_Segment_Pool4StringAccount_Segment_Pool46
7ACTNUMBR_5 SearchAccount Number:Account_Segment_Pool5StringAccount_Segment_Pool56
8ACTNUMBR_6 SearchAccount Number:Account_Segment_Pool6StringAccount_Segment_Pool66
9ACTNUMBR_7 SearchAccount Number:Account_Segment_Pool7StringAccount_Segment_Pool76
10ACTNUMBR_8 SearchAccount Number:Account_Segment_Pool8StringAccount_Segment_Pool86
11ACTNUMBR_9 SearchAccount Number:Account_Segment_Pool9StringAccount_Segment_Pool96
12ACTNUMBR_10 SearchAccount Number:Account_Segment_Pool10StringAccount_Segment_Pool106
13ACTALIAS SearchAccount AliasStringSTR20_Account_Alias20
14MNACSGMT SearchMain Account SegmentStringSTR66_Seg_ID66
15ACCTTYPE SearchAccount TypeIntegerDDL_Account_Type0
There are four types of account supported by Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Click to show/hide Account Types

1	Posting Account
2	Unit Account
3	Posting Allocation Account
4	Unit Allocation Account
16ACTDESCR SearchAccount DescriptionStringSTR5050
17PSTNGTYP SearchPosting TypeIntegerGB0
The Posting Type is the type of Posting Account.

Click to show/hide Posting Types

0	Balance Sheet accounts have their balance brought forward to the next year during a Year-End Close.
1	Profit and Loss accounts have their balance closed to a retained earnings account during the Year-End Close.
18ACCATNUM SearchAccount Category NumberIntegerINT2_U02
Key to the Account Category Master (GL00102).

Click to show/hide

       ['Account Master'].ACCATNUM AS 'Account Master-Account Category Number'
       ,['Account Category Master'].ACCATNUM AS 'Account Category Master-Account Category Number'
       GL00100 AS ['Account Master']
       GL00102 AS ['Account Category Master']
                     ['Account Master'].ACCATNUM = ['Account Category Master'].ACCATNUM
19ACTIVE SearchActiveBooleanCB_Active0
20TPCLBLNC SearchTypical BalanceIntegerGB0
The Typical Balance shows whether an account typically has a Debit or Credit Balance; used by reporting tools such as Management Reporter to determine how a balance is shown on financial statements.

Click to show/hide Typical Balance

0	Debit
1	Credit
21DECPLACS SearchDecimal PlacesIntegerDDL_Decimal_Places0
22FXDORVAR SearchFixed Or VariableIntegerLB_Fixed_Or_Variable0
23BALFRCLC SearchBalance For CalculationIntegerGB0
24DSPLKUPS SearchDisplay In LookupsLong IntegerML_Display_In_Lookups0
25CNVRMTHD SearchConversion MethodIntegerDDL_Conversion_Method0
26HSTRCLRT SearchHistorical RateCurrency (Variable)DLR14_Exchange_Rate14
27NOTEINDX SearchNote IndexCurrencyDLR1414
Key to the Record Notes Master (SY03900).

Click to show/hide

       ['Account Master'].NOTEINDX AS 'Account Master-Note Index'
       ,['Record Notes Master'].NOTEINDX AS 'Record Notes Master-Note Index'
       GL00100 AS ['Account Master']
       SY03900 AS ['Record Notes Master']
                     ['Account Master'].NOTEINDX = ['Record Notes Master'].NOTEINDX
28CREATDDT SearchCreated DateDateDT8
29MODIFDT SearchModified DateDateDT8
30USERDEF1 SearchUser Defined 1StringSTR2020
31USERDEF2 SearchUser Defined 2StringSTR2020
32PostSlsIn SearchPost Sales InIntegerSumOrDetail0
33PostIvIn SearchPost Inventory InIntegerSumOrDetail0
34PostPurchIn SearchPost Purchasing InIntegerSumOrDetail0
35PostPRIn SearchPost Payroll InIntegerSumOrDetail0
36ADJINFL SearchAdjust for InflationBooleanCB_Adjust_For_Inflation0
37INFLAREV SearchInflation Revenue Account IndexLong IntegerLI_1414
38INFLAEQU SearchInflation Equity Account IndexLong IntegerLI_1414
39ACCTENTR SearchAllow Account EntryBooleanCB_Allow_Account_Entry0
When unmarked, this flag allows accounts to be locked down by preventing users from posting to the account, while still allowing it to default onto transactions. Typically this is done on control accounts which should never have manual postings made to them.
40USRDEFS1 SearchUser Defined String 1StringSTR3030
41USRDEFS2 SearchUser Defined String 2StringSTR3030
42Clear_Balance SearchClear BalanceBooleanClear Balance0
43Workflow_Status SearchWorkflow StatusIntegerWorkflow Status0
azurecurveProductsMicrosoft Dynamics GP (0)FinancialDistribution Account Master (GL00100)

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