Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/SY70500
Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP (0)
Series: Company
Display Name: System Report Options Group Display Name: System Report Options
Physical Name: SY70500
Technical Name: SY_Options_ROPT
Group Technical Name: System Report Options
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length |
1 | STDPSSRS | Start DPS Series | Integer | DDL_DPS_Series | 0 |
2 | ENDPSERS | End DPS Series | Integer | DDL_DPS_Series | 0 |
3 | STSERVID | Start Server ID | String | STR80 | 80 |
4 | ENDSRVID | End Server ID | String | STR80 | 80 |
5 | FINRPTNM | Financial Report Name | String | STR30 | 30 |
6 | PRNTNOTS | Print Notes | Boolean | CB_Print_Notes | 0 |
7 | PRNTTYPE | Print Type | Integer | GB | 0 |
8 | STRTCMNM | Start Company Name | String | STR64_Company_Name | 64 |
9 | STRTZPCD | Start Zip Code | String | STR10 | 10 |
10 | STWSTNTY | Start Work Station Type | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 |
11 | STTCATEG | Start Category | Integer | INT2_U0 | 2 |
12 | ENDCATEG | End Category | Integer | INT2_U0 | 2 |
13 | ENDCMPNM | End Company Name | String | STR64_Company_Name | 64 |
14 | ENDZIPCD | End Zip Code | String | STR10 | 10 |
15 | ENDWSTYP | End Work Station Type | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 |
16 | ASKECHTM | Ask Each Time | Boolean | CB_Ask_Each_Time | 0 |
17 | INCLGNDS | Include Legends | Boolean | CB_Include_Legends | 0 |
18 | PRNTOFIL | Print to File | Boolean | CB_Print_to_File | 0 |
19 | PRTOPRTR | Print to Printer | Boolean | CB_Print_to_Printer | 0 |
20 | PRTOSCRN | Print to Screen | Boolean | CB_Print_to_Screen | 0 |
21 | IFFILXST | If File Existing | Integer | GB | 0 |
22 | FILEXPNM | File Export Name | String | STR255 | 255 |
23 | EXPTTYPE | Export Type | Integer | INT | 0 |
24 | RPTGRIND | Report Group Index | Integer | INT | 0 |
25 | RTPACHIN | Report Palette Choice Index | Integer | INT | 0 |
26 | RTGRSBIN | Report Group Sub Index | Currency | DLR14 | 14 |
27 | SORTBY | Sort By | Integer | DDL_Sort_By | 0 |
28 | RPTYPSEC | Report Type Security | Integer | GB | 0 |
29 | ENDUSRID | End User ID | String | STR15_User_ID | 15 |
30 | ENDUSRNM | End User Name | String | STR30 | 30 |
31 | ENDUSRCL | End User Class | String | STR15_User_Class | 15 |
32 | ENDINGDT | Ending Date | Date | DT | 8 |
33 | ENDTKNDT | End Token Date | Integer | DDL_End_Dates | 0 |
34 | ENDFRSRS | End Form Series | Integer | DDL_Form_Series_W_SM | 0 |
35 | STTUSRID | Start User ID | String | STR15_User_ID | 15 |
36 | STTUSRNM | Start User Name | String | STR30 | 30 |
37 | STTUSRCL | Start User Class | String | STR15_User_Class | 15 |
38 | STRTNGDT | Starting Date | Date | DT | 8 |
39 | STTOKNDT | Start Token Date | Integer | DDL_Start_Dates | 0 |
40 | STTFMSRS | Start Form Series | Integer | DDL_Form_Series_W_SM | 0 |
41 | STCURRID | Start Currency ID | String | STR15_Currency_ID | 15 |
42 | ENDCURID | End Currency ID | String | STR15_Currency_ID | 15 |
43 | STCURRDESC | Start Currency Description | String | STR30_Currency_Description | 30 |
44 | ENDCURRDESC | End Currency Description | String | STR30_Currency_Description | 30 |
45 | STEXTABID | Start Exchange Table ID | String | STR15_Exchange_Table_ID | 15 |
46 | ENDEXTABID | End Exchange Table ID | String | STR15_Exchange_Table_ID | 15 |
47 | STEXTABDESC | Start Exchange Table Description | String | STR30_Exchange_Table_Description | 30 |
48 | ENDEXTABDESC | End Exchange Table Description | String | STR30_Exchange_Table_Description | 30 |
49 | STICID | Start Intercompany ID | String | STR5_IC_ID | 5 |
50 | ENDICID | End Intercompany ID | String | STR5_IC_ID | 5 |
51 | STSECMODALTID | Start Security ModAlt Forms ID | String | SecurityID | 25 |
52 | STSECROLEID | Start Security Role ID | String | SecurityID | 25 |
53 | STSECTASKCAT | Start Security Task Category | Integer | Security Task Category | 0 |
54 | STSECTASKID | Start Security Task ID | String | SecurityID | 25 |
55 | ENDSECMODALTID | End Security ModAlt Forms ID | String | SecurityID | 25 |
56 | ENDSECROLEID | End Security Role ID | String | SecurityID | 25 |
57 | ENDSECTASKCAT | End Security Task Category | Integer | Security Task Category | 0 |
58 | ENDSECTASKID | End Security Task ID | String | SecurityID | 25 |
59 | IncludeInactiveUsers | IncludeInactiveUsers | Boolean | IncludeInactiveUsersCB | 0 |