Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/SY03300
Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP (0)
Series: Company
Display Name: Payment Terms Master Group Display Name: Payment Terms Master
Physical Name: SY03300
Technical Name: SY_Payment_Terms_MSTR
Group Technical Name: Payment Terms Master
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length | |
1 | PYMTRMID | Payment Terms ID | String | STR20_Payment_Terms_ID | 20 | |
2 | DUETYPE | Due Type | Integer | DDL_Payment_Term_Due | 0 | |
3 | DUEDTDS | Due Date/Days | Integer | INT3_RUO | 3 | |
4 | DISCTYPE | Discount Type | Integer | DDL_Payment_Term_Discount | 0 | |
5 | DISCDTDS | Discount Date/Days | Integer | INT3_RUO | 3 | |
6 | DSCLCTYP | Discount Calculate Type | Integer | DDL_Payment_Term_Discount_Type | 0 | |
7 | DSCDLRAM | Discount Dollar Amount | Currency | DLR11_RBS0_UTR$ | 11 | |
8 | DSCPCTAM | Discount Percent Amount | Integer | INT5_%2 | 5 | |
9 | SALPURCH | Sale Purch | Boolean | CB_Sale_Purch | 0 | |
10 | DISCNTCB | Discount CB | Boolean | CB_Discount | 0 | |
11 | FREIGHT | Freight | Boolean | CB_Freight | 0 | |
12 | MISC | Misc | Boolean | CB_Misc | 0 | |
13 | TAX | Tax | Boolean | CB_Tax | 0 | |
14 | NOTEINDX | Note Index | Currency | DLR14 | 14 | |
Key to the Record Notes Master (SY03900).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Payment Terms Master'].NOTEINDX AS 'Payment Terms Master-Note Index'
,['Record Notes Master'].NOTEINDX AS 'Record Notes Master-Note Index'
SY03300 AS ['Payment Terms Master']
SY03900 AS ['Record Notes Master']
['Payment Terms Master'].NOTEINDX = ['Record Notes Master'].NOTEINDX | ||||||
15 | CBUVATMD | CB_Use_VAT_Mode | Boolean | CB_VAT_Mode | 0 | |
16 | LSTUSRED | Last User to Edit | String | STR15 | 15 | |
Key to the Users Master (SY01400).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Payment Terms Master'].LSTUSRED AS 'Payment Terms Master-Last User to Edit'
,['Users Master'].USERID AS 'Users Master-User ID'
SY03300 AS ['Payment Terms Master']
DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['Users Master']
['Payment Terms Master'].LSTUSRED = ['Users Master'].USERID | ||||||
17 | MODIFDT | Modified Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
18 | CREATDDT | Created Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
19 | USEGRPER | Use Grace Periods | Boolean | CB_UseGracePeriods | 0 | |
20 | CalculateDateFrom | Calculate Date From | Integer | DDL_Calculate_Date_From | 0 | |
21 | CalculateDateFromDays | Calculate Date From Days | Integer | INT3_RUO | 3 | |
22 | DueMonth | Due Month | Integer | DDL_Month | 0 | |
23 | DiscountMonth | Discount Month | Integer | DDL_Month | 0 |