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Product: MICR for Canadian Payroll (2916)
Series: Project
Display Name: CDN Payroll Pay Stub Detail WORK File
Physical Name: CPY30161
Technical Name: P_Stub_Detail_WORKSeq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 BACHNUMB Batch Number STR15_LBAU String 15 2 PComputerTRXNumber P_Computer_TRX_Number X_LI8_U0 Long Integer 8 3 PEmployeeID P_Employee_ID X_STR15_Employee_ID String 15 4 PDepartment P_Department X_STR06_Upper String 6 5 PDate P_Date X_Date Date 0 6 PUnits P_Units X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 7 PJobCode P_Job_Code X_STR30 String 30 8 PJobPhase P_Job_Phase X_STR30 String 30 9 PProvinceWorked P_Province_Worked X_STR02_Upper String 2 10 PReferenceString P_Reference_String X_STR15_LBAU String 15 11 PReferenceNumeric P_Reference_Numeric X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 12 PEntryUICDistribute P_Entry_UIC_Distribute X_VS_YN Integer 0 13 PEntryEIDistribute P_Entry_EI_Distribute X_VS_YN Integer 0 14 PEIInsHoursPerUnit P_EI_Insurable_Hours_Per_Unit X_LINT_U06 Long Integer 6 15 PLineTotal P_Line_Total X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 16 PFromTransactionEntry P_From_Transaction_Entry X_VS_YN Integer 0 17 POvertimeGenerated P_Overtime_Generated X_VS_YN Integer 0 18 PRateOverridden P_Rate_Overridden X_VS_YN Integer 0 19 PResponsibility P_Responsibility X_DDL_Responsibility Integer 0 20 PShift P_Shift X_Shift Integer 0 21 PBasePaycode P_Base_Paycode X_STR06_Upper String 6 22 PShiftStatus P_Shift_Status X_Shift_Status Integer 0 23 PAttachCharacteristic P_Attach_Characteristic X_DDL_Attach_Characteristic Integer 0 24 PCalculateOn P_Calculate_On X_DDL_Calculate_On Integer 0 25 PPaycodeAdjustFactor P_Paycode_Adjust_Factor X_Paycode_Adjust_Factor Long Integer 8 26 PPaycodeAdjustAmount P_Paycode_Adjust_Amount X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 27 PAttachedTRXNumber P_Attached_TRX_Number X_LI8_U0 Long Integer 8 28 PRTablePositionCode P_RTable_Position_Code X_STR10_Upper String 10 29 PRTableSubCodeCode P_RTable_SubCode_Code X_STR10_Upper String 10 30 PRTableLevelCode P_RTable_Level_Code X_STR10_Upper String 10 31 PWCBCode P_WCB_Code P_STR6_UPPER String 6 32 PSeniorityUnitsPerUnit P_Seniority_Units_Per_Unit X_DLR14_U5 Currency 14 33 PPCIsERSide P_Paycode_Is_Employer_Side X_VS_YN Integer 0 34 PReportingCode P_Reporting_Code X_STR06_Upper String 6 35 USERID User ID STR15_User_ID String 15 Key to the Users Master (SY01400).
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['CDN Payroll Pay Stub Detail WORK File'].USERID AS 'CDN Payroll Pay Stub Detail WORK File-User ID'
,['Users Master'].USERID AS 'Users Master-User ID'
CPY30161 AS ['CDN Payroll Pay Stub Detail WORK File']
DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['Users Master']
['CDN Payroll Pay Stub Detail WORK File'].USERID = ['Users Master'].USERID
36 PTRXXRef P_TRX_XRef X_LI8_U0 Long Integer 8 37 PIncomeCode P_Income_Code X_STR06_Upper String 6 38 PMatchingOvertimePayCode P_Matching_Overtime_Pay_Code X_STR06_Upper String 6 39 PIncomePrefix P_Income_Prefix X_STR02_Upper String 2 40 PPayrollCodeType P_Payroll_Code_Type X_Payroll_Code_Type Integer 0 41 PDescription P_Description X_STR30 String 30 42 PCalculationBasedOn P_Calculation_Based_On X_DDL_Calc_Based_On Integer 0 43 PFurtherIdentification P_Further_Identification X_Further_Identification_DDL Integer 0 44 PPaycodeReference P_Paycode_Reference X_Paycode_Reference Integer 0 45 PBankedAccrualUnits P_Banked_Accrual_Units X_Banked_Accrual_Units Integer 0 46 PDebitAccountIndex P_Debit_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 47 PCreditAccountIndex P_Credit_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 48 PDistribute P_Distribute X_VS_YN Integer 0 49 PAffBenDist P_Affect_Benefit_Distribution X_VS_YN Integer 0 50 PRate P_Rate X_Rate Currency 14 51 PRateFactor P_Rate_Factor X_LINT9_U5 Long Integer 9 52 PTax P_Tax X_VS_YN Integer 0 53 PCPP P_CPP X_VS_YN Integer 0 54 PUIC P_UIC X_VS_YN Integer 0 55 PEI P_EI X_VS_YN Integer 0 56 PNWT P_NWT X_VS_YN Integer 0 57 PNU P_NU X_VS_YN Integer 0 58 PPQ P_PQ X_VS_YN Integer 0 59 PEHTQHIP P_EHT_QHIP X_VS_YN Integer 0 60 PWCB P_WCB X_VS_YN Integer 0 61 PVacation P_Vacation X_VS_YN Integer 0 62 PGST P_GST X_VS_YN Integer 0 63 PGSTPerc P_GST% X_Percent_Pos Long Integer 8 64 PPaycodePercentage P_Paycode_Percentage X_Percent_Pos Long Integer 8 65 PPaycodePercentageNG P_Paycode_Percentage_NG X_DDL_Paycode_Percentage Integer 0 66 PGroupIncomeFactor P_Group_Income_Factor X_LINT9_U5 Long Integer 9 67 PExcludeAmount P_Exclude_Amount X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 68 PExcludePercentage P_Exclude_Percentage X_Percent_Pos Long Integer 8 69 PRoundUpTo P_Round_Up_To X_Integer_Factor Long Integer 8 70 PRatePerRoundUpTo P_Rate_Per_Round_Up_To X_Rate Currency 14 71 PMinimum P_Minimum X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 72 PMaximum P_Maximum X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 73 PYearlyMaximum P_Yearly_Maximum X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 74 PExemptAmount P_Exempt_Amount X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 75 PExemptAmountNG P_Exempt_Amount_NG X_Net_Gross Integer 0 76 PExemptAmountBA P_Exempt_Amount_BA X_Before_After Integer 0 77 PExemptPercentage P_Exempt_Percentage X_Percent_Pos Long Integer 8 78 PExemptPercentageNG P_Exempt_Percentage_NG X_Net_Gross Integer 0 79 PExemptPercentageBA P_Exempt_Percentage_BA X_Before_After Integer 0 80 PBreakpointUnits P_Breakpoint_Units X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 81 PBreakpointAmount P_Breakpoint_Amount X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 82 PBreakpointUnitsYTD P_Breakpoint_Units_YTD X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 83 PBreakpointDollarsYTD P_Breakpoint_Dollars_YTD X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 84 PCombinedAmount P_Combined_Amount X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 85 PAdjustFactor P_Adjust_Factor X_LINT9_U5 Long Integer 9 86 PPercentageTaxable P_Percentage_Taxable X_Percent_Pos Long Integer 8 87 PPercentageTaxablePQ P_Percentage_Taxable_PQ X_Percent_Pos Long Integer 8 88 PT4Box1 P_T4_Box1 X_INT_U02 Integer 2 89 PT4Box2 P_T4_Box2 X_INT_U02 Integer 2 90 PPQReleve1BoxNumber1 P_PQ_Releve_1_Box_Number_1 X_STR02_Upper String 2 91 PPQReleve1BoxNumber2 P_PQ_Releve_1_Box_Number_2 X_STR02_Upper String 2 92 PShortDescription P_Short_Description X_STR15 String 15 93 PUserNumericFieldIndex P_User_Numeric_Field_Index X_INT_User Integer 2 94 PVacationAccrualUnits P_Vacation_Accrual_Units X_LINT9_5 Long Integer 9 95 PUnpdVacAccUnts P_Unpaid_Vacation_Accrual_Units X_LINT9_U5 Long Integer 9 96 PSickAccrualUnits P_Sick_Accrual_Units X_LINT9_U5 Long Integer 9 97 PPaidBy P_Paid_By X_Paid_By_DDL Integer 0 98 PPayType P_Pay_Type X_Pay_Type_DDL Integer 0 99 PAddToCheck P_Add_To_Check X_VS_YN Integer 0 100 PT4Box50 P_T4_Box_50 X_CB_T4_Box_50 Boolean 0 101 PAllowTransactionEntry P_Allow_Transaction_Entry X_VS_YN Integer 0 102 PAutoSelect P_Auto_Select X_VS_YN Integer 0 103 PPostToUnitAccount P_Post_To_Unit_Account X_VS_YN Integer 0 104 PDeductCPP P_Deduct_CPP X_VS_YN Integer 0 105 PAddToReportValue P_Add_To_Report_Value X_VS_YN Integer 0 106 PAdditionalPaycode P_Additional_Paycode X_STR06_Upper String 6 107 PComment P_Comment X_STR30 String 30 108 PSpecialPensionType P_Special_Pension_Type X_DDL_Special_Pension Integer 0 109 PServiceDays P_Service_Days X_DLR14_U5 Currency 14 110 PServiceDollars P_Service_Dollars X_DLR14_U5 Currency 14 111 PServiceHours P_Service_Hours X_DLR14_U5 Currency 14 112 PServicePayPeriods P_Service_Pay_Periods X_DLR14_U5 Currency 14 113 PLAPP P_LAPP X_CB_LAPP Boolean 0 114 POMERS P_OMERS X_CB_OMERS Boolean 0 115 PStartDate P_Start_Date X_Date Date 0 116 PCutoffDate P_Cutoff_Date X_Date Date 0 117 PNetDeductionSequence P_Net_Deduction_Sequence X_Sequence Integer 3 118 PUnionCode P_Union_Code X_STR15_LBAU String 15 119 PHitMaximum P_Hit_Maximum X_Boolean Boolean 0 120 PPreviousNet P_Previous_Net X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 121 PPaycodeCurrentDollars P_Paycode_Current_Dollars X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 122 PPaycodeCurrentUnits P_Paycode_Current_Units X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 123 PCalcBaseDollarsYTD P_Calc_Base_Dollars_YTD X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 124 PCalcBaseUnitsYTD P_Calc_Base_Units_YTD X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 125 PUnitAccountIndex P_Unit_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 126 PYTDAmount P_YTD_Amount X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 127 PCreatedGST P_Created_GST X_Boolean Boolean 0 128 PHasCurrent P_Has_Current X_Boolean Boolean 0 129 PPaycodeYTDUnits P_Paycode_YTD_Units X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 130 PPaycodeYTDDollars P_Paycode_YTD_Dollars X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 131 PPaycodeGroupID P_Paycode_Group_ID X_STR15_LBAU String 15 132 PPaycodeGroupDesc P_Paycode_Group_Description X_STR40 String 40 133 PPaycodeGroupSeq P_Paycode_Group_Sequence X_Sequence Integer 3 134 PBlankRecord P_Blank_Record X_Boolean Boolean 0 135 PFrequencyPaycode P_Frequency_Paycode X_DDL_Frequency_Paycode Integer 0 136 PActivationUnitsMTD P_Activation_Units_MTD X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 137 PActivationDollarsMTD P_Activation_Dollars_MTD X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 138 PExclActUnitsMTD P_Exclude_Activation_Units_MTD X_CB_Exclude_Activation_Units_MTD Boolean 0 139 PExclActDollarsMTD P_Exclude_Activation_Dollars_MTD X_CB_Exclude_Activation_Dollars_MTD Boolean 0 140 PUseActMethodMTD P_Use_Activation_Method_MTD X_DDL_Use_Activation_Method Integer 0 141 PActivationUnitsQTD P_Activation_Units_QTD X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 142 PActivationDollarsQTD P_Activation_Dollars_QTD X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 143 PExclActUnitsQTD P_Exclude_Activation_Units_QTD X_CB_Exclude_Activation_Units_QTD Boolean 0 144 PExclActDollarsQTD P_Exclude_Activation_Dollars_QTD X_CB_Exclude_Activation_Dollars_QTD Boolean 0 145 PUseActMethodQTD P_Use_Activation_Method_QTD X_DDL_Use_Activation_Method Integer 0 146 PActivationUnitsLTD P_Activation_Units_LTD X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 147 PActivationDollarsLTD P_Activation_Dollars_LTD X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 148 PExclActUnitsLTD P_Exclude_Activation_Units_LTD X_CB_Exclude_Activation_Units_LTD Boolean 0 149 PExclActDollarsLTD P_Exclude_Activation_Dollars_LTD X_CB_Exclude_Activation_Dollars_LTD Boolean 0 150 PUseActMethodLTD P_Use_Activation_Method_LTD X_DDL_Use_Activation_Method Integer 0 151 PMTDMinimum P_MTD_Minimum X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 152 PMTDMaximum P_MTD_Maximum X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 153 PCalcBaseUnitsMTD P_Calc_Base_Units_MTD X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 154 PCalcBaseDollarsMTD P_Calc_Base_Dollars_MTD X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 155 PCalcBaseUnitsQTD P_Calc_Base_Units_QTD X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 156 PCalcBaseDollarsQTD P_Calc_Base_Dollars_QTD X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 157 PCalcBaseUnitsLTD P_Calc_Base_Units_LTD X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 158 PCalcBaseDollarsLTD P_Calc_Base_Dollars_LTD X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 159 PMTDUnits P_MTD_Units X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 160 PMTDDollars P_MTD_Dollars X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 161 PQTDUnits P_QTD_Units X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 162 PQTDDollars P_QTD_Dollars X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 163 PLTDUnits P_LTD_Units X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 164 PLTDDollars P_LTD_Dollars X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 165 PCeilingUnits P_Ceiling_Units X_Accumulated Long Integer 10 166 PCeilingDollars P_Ceiling_Dollars X_DLR11_2 Currency 14 167 PHitCeiling P_Hit_Ceiling X_Boolean Boolean 0 168 PPPIP P_PPIP X_VS_YN Integer 0