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Product: MICR for Canadian Payroll (2916)
Series: Project
Display Name: CDN Payroll Employer Master
Physical Name: CPY10010
Technical Name: P_CPY_SETP_Employer_NumberSeq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 PEmployerNumber P_Employer_Number X_STR10_Upper String 10 2 PDescription P_Description X_STR30 String 30 3 PERBusinessNum P_Employer_Business_Number X_STR17_LBAU String 17 4 PEICode P_EI_Code X_STR06_Upper String 6 5 PEIFactor P_EI_Factor X_UIC_Factor Long Integer 5 6 PEIAcctIndex P_EI_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 7 PAllowEIRebate P_Allow_EI_Rebate X_VS_YN Integer 0 8 PAllowEIRebateGLAccrual P_Allow_EI_Rebate_GL_Accrual X_VS_YN Integer 0 9 PEIRebateExpenseIdx P_EI_Rebate_Expense_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 10 PEIRebatePaycode P_EI_Rebate_Paycode X_STR06_Upper String 6 11 PX124 P_ROE_Contact_Name STR60 String 60 12 PX125 P_ROE_Contact_Phone X_STR18_Phone String 18 13 PROEContactFirstName P_ROE_Contact_Name_First STR18 String 18 14 PROEContactMiddleName P_ROE_Contact_Name_Middle STR18 String 18 15 PROEContactLastName P_ROE_Contact_Name_Last STR50 String 50 16 PX117 P_ROE_Issuer_Name STR60 String 60 17 PX114 P_ROE_Issuer_Phone X_STR18_Phone String 18 18 PEmployerAddress P_Employer_Address STR60 String 60 19 PEmployerCity P_Employer_City X_STR40 String 40 20 PEmployerPostal P_Employer_Postal X_STR10_Upper String 10 21 PTaxCode P_Tax_Code X_STR06_Upper String 6 22 PCPPCode P_CPP_Code X_STR06_Upper String 6 23 PCPPAccountIndex P_CPP_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 24 PNWTCode P_NWT_Code X_STR06_Upper String 6 25 PNunavutCode P_Nunavut_Code X_STR06_Upper String 6 26 PGSTCodeBenefit P_GST_Code_Benefit X_STR06_Upper String 6 27 PGSTCodeDeduction P_GST_Code_Deduction X_STR06_Upper String 6 28 PEmployerEIDist P_Employer_EI_Distribute X_VS_YN Integer 0 29 PEmployerCPPDist P_Employer_CPP_Distribute X_VS_YN Integer 0 30 PEIRebatePayableIdx P_EI_Rebate_Payable_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 31 PQPPDebitAcctIdx P_QPP_Debit_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 32 PERQPPDist P_Employer_QPP_Distribute X_VS_YN Integer 0 33 PQPPPaycode P_QPP_Paycode X_STR06_Upper String 6 34 PQuebecTaxCode P_Quebec_Tax_Code X_STR06_Upper String 6 35 POntHlthTaxPerc P_Ontario_Health_Tax_Percentage X_Percent_Pos Long Integer 8 36 POntHlthExpAcctInx P_Ontario_Health_Expense_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 37 POntHlthPayAcctInx P_Ontario_Health_Payable_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 38 PPQHealthTaxPercentage P_PQ_Health_Tax_Percentage X_Percent_Pos Long Integer 8 39 PPQHlthExpAcctInx P_PQ_Health_Expense_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 40 PPQHlthPayAcctInx P_PQ_Health_Payable_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 41 PMBHealthTaxPercentage P_MB_Health_Tax_Percentage X_Percent_Pos Long Integer 8 42 PMBHlthExpAcctInx P_MB_Health_Expense_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 43 PMBHlthPayAcctInx P_MB_Health_Payable_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 44 PDistributeHealthTax P_Distribute_Health_Tax X_VS_YN Integer 0 45 PTaxCodeT4A P_Tax_Code_T4A X_STR06_Upper String 6 46 PNFHlthExpAcctInx P_Newfoundland_Health_Expense_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 47 PNFHlthPayAcctInx P_Newfoundland_Health_Payable_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 48 PNFHlthTaxPerc P_Newfoundland_Health_Tax_Percentage X_Percent_Pos Long Integer 8 49 NOTEINDX Note Index DLR14 Currency 14 Key to the Record Notes Master (SY03900).
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['CDN Payroll Employer Master'].NOTEINDX AS 'CDN Payroll Employer Master-Note Index'
,['Record Notes Master'].NOTEINDX AS 'Record Notes Master-Note Index'
CPY10010 AS ['CDN Payroll Employer Master']
SY03900 AS ['Record Notes Master']
['CDN Payroll Employer Master'].NOTEINDX = ['Record Notes Master'].NOTEINDX
50 PPPIPCode P_PPIP_Code X_STR06_Upper String 6 51 PPPIPAccountIndex P_PPIP_Account_Index LI_14 Long Integer 14 52 PEmployerPPIPDistribute P_Employer_PPIP_Distribute X_VS_YN Integer 0 53 PEmployerCSSTDistribute P_Employer_CSST_Distribute X_VS_YN Integer 0