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Product: Manufacturing (346)
Display Name: Manufacturing SOP to Dynamics SOP Convert Log Master Group Display Name: Manufacturing SOP
Physical Name: ISCVTLOG
Technical Name: IC_SOP_Convert_LOG_MSTR
Group Technical Name: Manufacturing SOP
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length |
1 | SALESORDERNUMBER_I | Sales Order Number | String | STR17_IV_Document_Number | 17 |
2 | DONECB_I | done_cb | Boolean | CB_Done | 0 |
3 | SOPNUMBE | SOP Number | String | STR20_SOP_Number | 17 |
4 | SOPTYPE | SOP Type | Integer | DDL_SOP_Type | 0 |
5 | SOPHDRERRORCONVERT1 | SOP HDR Error Convert1 | Long Integer | ML_SOP_HDR_Error_Convert1 | 0 |