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Product: Manufacturing (346)
Display Name: Capacity Weeks File Group Display Name: Manufacturing CRP
Physical Name: CP010230
Technical Name: CRP_Weeks
Group Technical Name: Manufacturing CRP
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length |
1 | WCID_I | WC ID | String | STR10_Location_Code | 10 |
2 | EFFECTIVEDATE_I | Effective Date0 | Date | DT | 8 |
3 | AVAILABLEEMPHOURS_I | Available Emp Hours | Currency | hr | 10 |
4 | PLANAVAILEMPHOURS_I | Planned Available Emp Hours | Currency | hr | 10 |
5 | SCHEDULEDEMPHOURS_I | Scheduled Emp Hours | Currency | hr | 10 |
6 | PLANSCHEDEMPHOURS_I | Planned Scheduled Emp Hours | Currency | hr | 10 |
7 | AVAILABLEMACHHOURS_I | Available Mach Hours | Currency | hr | 10 |
8 | PLANAVAILMACHHOURS_I | Planned Available Mach Hours | Currency | hr | 10 |
9 | SCHEDULEDMACHHOURS_I | Scheduled Mach Hours | Currency | hr | 10 |
10 | PLANSCHEDMACHRS_I | Planned Scheduled Mach Hours | Currency | hr | 10 |
11 | PERCENTOFMAXEMP_I | Percent of Max Emp | Long Integer | INTXXX.X% | 4 |
12 | PLANPEROFMAXEMP_I | Planned Percent of Max Emp | Long Integer | INTXXX.X% | 4 |
13 | PERCENTOFMAXMACH_I | Percent of Max Mach | Long Integer | INTXXX.X% | 4 |
14 | PLANPEROFMAXMACH_I | Planned Percent of Max Mach | Long Integer | INTXXX.X% | 4 |
15 | EMPLOYEEOVERLOAD_I | Employee Overload | Boolean | CB | 0 |
16 | PLANEMPOVERLOAD_I | Planned Employee Overload | Boolean | CB | 0 |
17 | MACHINEOVERLOAD_I | Machine Overload | Boolean | CB | 0 |
18 | PLANMACOVERLOAD_I | Planned Machine Overload | Boolean | CB | 0 |
19 | PLNNDAVLBLEEMPHRSMRP | Planned Available Emp Hours MRP | Currency | hr | 10 |
20 | PLNNDSCHDLDEMPHRSMRP | Planned Scheduled Emp Hours MRP | Currency | hr | 10 |
21 | PLNNDAVLBLMACHHRSMRP | Planned Available Mach Hours MRP | Currency | hr | 10 |
22 | PLNNDSCHDLDMACHHRSMRP | Planned Scheduled Mach Hours MRP | Currency | hr | 10 |
23 | PLNNEDPRCNTMAXEMPMRP | Planned Percent of Max Emp MRP | Long Integer | INTXXX.X% | 4 |
24 | PLNNDPRCNTMACMACHMRP | Planned Percent of Max Mach MRP | Long Integer | INTXXX.X% | 4 |
25 | PLNNDEMPOVRLDMRP | Planned Employee Overload MRP | Boolean | CB | 0 |
26 | PLNNDMACHOVRLDMRP | Planned Machine Overload MRP | Boolean | CB | 0 |