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Product: Human Resources (414)
Display Name: Archive_BEN2_FMLA_Master Group Display Name: HR Third Party
Physical Name: BEA11031
Technical Name: Archive_BEN2_FMLA_Master
Group Technical Name: HR_Third_Party
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length |
1 | EMPID_I | Emp ID | String | STR15_Employee_ID_I | 15 |
2 | INDEX1 | Index | Integer | INT1 | 1 |
3 | CALENDARSTART_I | Calendar Start | Date | DT | 8 |
4 | ABSENCESTARTDATE_I | Absence Start Date | Date | DT | 8 |
5 | ABSENCEENDDATE_I | Absence End Date | Date | DT | 8 |
6 | BNFBEGDT | Benefit Beg Date | Date | DT | 8 |
7 | BNFENDDT | Benefit End Date | Date | DT | 8 |
8 | ESTRETURNDATE_I | Estimated Return Date | Date | DT | 8 |
9 | PHYPROVNOTIFIED_I | Physician/Provider Notified | Date | DT | 8 |
10 | LEAVEAPPROVAL_I | Leave Approval | Boolean | CB | 0 |
11 | BENEFITEXPIRE_I | Benefit Expire | Date | DT | 8 |
12 | IBENEFITFREQUENCY_I | IBenefit Frequency | Integer | DDL_Benefit_Frequency | 0 |
13 | IBENEFITAMOUNT_I | IBenefit Amount | Currency | DLR11_$U2 | 14 |
14 | IBENEFITYEARMAX_I | IBenefit Year Max | Currency | DLR14_RB2_ST$ | 14 |
15 | CHECK1_I | Check1 | Boolean | CB_I | 0 |
16 | HOURSWORKEDPERDAY_I | Hours Worked Per Day | Currency | DLR6_S2 | 6 |
17 | TYPEOFDAY_I | Type Of Day | Integer | GB | 0 |
18 | CHECK2_I | Check2 | Boolean | CB_I | 0 |
19 | IDATE_I | IDate | Date | DT | 8 |
20 | OLDCALENDARSTARTFMLA | Old_Calendar_Start_FMLA | Date | DT | 8 |
21 | COMMENTS_I | Comments | Text | TXT1000 | 1000 |