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Product: HRM Solution Series (1911)
Display Name: APR Department Reports TEMP Group Display Name: HRM Solution Series
Physical Name: APR_APR70510
Technical Name: APR_DepartmentReports_TEMP
Group Technical Name: APR
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length | |
1 | USERID | User ID | String | STR15_User_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Users Master (SY01400).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['APR Department Reports TEMP'].USERID AS 'APR Department Reports TEMP-User ID'
,['Users Master'].USERID AS 'Users Master-User ID'
APR_APR70510 AS ['APR Department Reports TEMP']
DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['Users Master']
['APR Department Reports TEMP'].USERID = ['Users Master'].USERID | ||||||
2 | SORTBY | Sort By | Integer | DDL_Sort_By | 0 | |
3 | DEPRTMNT | Department | String | STR6_Payroll_Code | 6 | |
4 | JOBTITLE | Job Title | String | STR6_Payroll_Code | 6 | |
5 | EMPLOYID | Employee ID | String | STR15_Employee_ID | 15 | |
6 | DATE1 | Date | Date | DT6 | 6 | |
7 | PAYRCORD | Pay Record | String | STR6_Payroll_Code | 6 | |
8 | APR_Hours | APR Hours | Currency | DLR11_S2 | 11 | |
9 | APR_Hours_YTD | APR Hours YTD | Currency | DLR11_S2 | 11 | |
10 | APR_FTEHours | APR FTE Hours | Currency | DLR11_S2 | 11 | |
11 | APR_FTEHoursYTD | APR FTE Hours YTD | Currency | DLR11_S2 | 11 | |
12 | GROSAMNT | Gross Amount | Currency | DLR11_$S2 | 14 | |
13 | GRSWGYTD | Gross Wages YTD | Currency | DLR11_$S2 | 14 | |
14 | ACTNUMST | Account Number String | String | STR128_LBU | 128 | |
15 | APR_SortByDepartment | APR Sort By Department | Integer | DDL_Sort_By | 0 | |
16 | APR_SortByGLAcct | APR Sort By GL Acct | Integer | DDL_Sort_By | 0 | |
17 | APR_SortByPosition | APR Sort By Position | Integer | DDL_Sort_By | 0 |