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Product: Enhanced Intrastat (2788)
Display Name: Intrastat Return Master
Physical Name: EDCEI005
Technical Name: syIntrastatReturnMstrSeq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 PERIODGB PeriodGB Integer GB 0 2 CMPADRSCODE CompAddrCode String STR15_Address_Code 15 3 INTRSTTRTRNID Intrastat Return ID String STR20_LBAU 20 4 NILRTN NilReturn Boolean NilReturn 0 5 PERIOD Period String STR5_GPA 5 6 SUBMITTED Submitted Boolean Boolean 0 7 NUMOFTIMGEN Number of Times Generated Integer INT 0 8 CURNCYID Currency ID String STR15_Currency_ID 15 Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).
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['Intrastat Return Master'].CURNCYID AS 'Intrastat Return Master-Currency ID'
,['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID AS 'Currency Setup-Currency ID'
EDCEI005 AS ['Intrastat Return Master']
DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
['Intrastat Return Master'].CURNCYID = ['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID
9 CCode Country Code String STR6_VAT 6 Key to the VAT Country Code MSTR (VAT10001).
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['Intrastat Return Master'].CCode AS 'Intrastat Return Master-Country Code'
,['VAT Country Code MSTR'].CCode AS 'VAT Country Code MSTR-Country Code'
EDCEI005 AS ['Intrastat Return Master']
VAT10001 AS ['VAT Country Code MSTR']
['Intrastat Return Master'].CCode = ['VAT Country Code MSTR'].CCode
10 RGN Region String STR6_VAT 6 11 TXRGNNUM Tax Registration Number String STR25 25 12 BRNCHNMBR Branch Number String STR20 20 13 ADDRESS1 Address 1 String STR60 60 14 ADDRESS2 Address 2 String STR60 60 15 ADDRESS3 Address 3 String STR60 60 16 AGENTID Agent ID String STR6 6 17 AGENTNAME Agent Name String STR30 30 18 AGADDR1 Agent Address 1 String STR30 30 19 AGADDR2 Agent Address 2 String STR30 30 20 AGADDR3 Agent Address 3 String STR30 30 21 AGTXRGN Agent Tax Registration String STR25 25 22 BRNCHIDENTF Branch Identifier String STR20 20 23 ARVLDECLTYPE Arrival Declaration Type Integer DDL_Declaration_Type 0 24 DISPDECLTYPE Dispatch Declaration Type Integer DDL_Declaration_Type 0