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Product: Encumbrance Management (3258)
Display Name: Encumbrance Summary TEMP2
Physical Name: ENCSUMTMP2
Technical Name: ENC_Summary_TEMP2Seq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 INDEX1 Index Integer INT1 1 2 SMRYTYPE Summary Type Integer INT 0 3 PERIODID Period ID Integer INT3 3 4 PERNAME Period Name String STR20 20 5 FRMACTIX From Account Index Long Integer LI_14 14 6 TOACTIDX To Account Index Long Integer LI_14 14 7 From_Account_Number_1 From Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool1 String Account_Segment_Pool1 6 8 From_Account_Number_2 From Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool2 String Account_Segment_Pool2 6 9 From_Account_Number_3 From Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool3 String Account_Segment_Pool3 6 10 From_Account_Number_4 From Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool4 String Account_Segment_Pool4 6 11 From_Account_Number_5 From Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool5 String Account_Segment_Pool5 6 12 From_Account_Number_6 From Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool6 String Account_Segment_Pool6 6 13 From_Account_Number_7 From Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool7 String Account_Segment_Pool7 6 14 From_Account_Number_8 From Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 String Account_Segment_Pool8 6 15 From_Account_Number_9 From Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool9 String Account_Segment_Pool9 6 16 From_Account_Number_10 From Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool10 String Account_Segment_Pool10 6 17 To_Account_Number_1 To Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool1 String Account_Segment_Pool1 6 18 To_Account_Number_2 To Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool2 String Account_Segment_Pool2 6 19 To_Account_Number_3 To Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool3 String Account_Segment_Pool3 6 20 To_Account_Number_4 To Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool4 String Account_Segment_Pool4 6 21 To_Account_Number_5 To Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool5 String Account_Segment_Pool5 6 22 To_Account_Number_6 To Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool6 String Account_Segment_Pool6 6 23 To_Account_Number_7 To Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool7 String Account_Segment_Pool7 6 24 To_Account_Number_8 To Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 String Account_Segment_Pool8 6 25 To_Account_Number_9 To Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool9 String Account_Segment_Pool9 6 26 To_Account_Number_10 To Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool10 String Account_Segment_Pool10 6 27 Actual_Amount Actual Amount Currency DLR19_$S2 19 28 ENCMBAMT Encumbered Amount Currency DLR19_$S2 19 29 CMTEDAMT Committed Amount Currency DLR19_$S2 19 30 BUDGETAMT Budget Amount Currency DLR19_$S2 19 31 Variance_Amount Variance Amount Currency DLR19_$S2 19 32 Variance_Percentage Variance Percentage Currency DLR5_%2 8 33 PreEncumberedAmt PreEncumbered Amount Currency DLR19_$S2 19 34 PreBudgetAmt PreBudget Amount Currency DLR19_$S2 19