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Product: WennSoft Products (131)
Series: 3rd Party
Display Name: Wennsoft PO Integration Temp
Physical Name: WSPRINT2
Technical Name: WS_POLineMemTEMPSeq No Physical Name Display Name Dexterity Data Type SQL Data Type Length 1 PONUMBER PO Number STR17_POP_Number String 17 2 DOCPRINTSEQ Document Print Sequence long Long Integer 8 3 ORD Ord LI_Sequence_Number Long Integer 10 4 BRKFLD1 Break Field 1 INT1 Integer 1 5 BRKFLD2 Break Field 2 INT1 Integer 1 6 BRKFLD3 Break Field 3 INT1 Integer 1 7 Product_Indicator Product Indicator DDL_Product_Indicator Integer 0 8 JOBNUMBR Job Number STR17_LBAU String 17 9 WS_Job_Name WS Job Name STR30 String 30 10 COSTTYPE Cost Code Type INT3_RB0_U Integer 3 11 COSTCODE Cost Code STR27 String 27 12 Cost_Code_Description Cost Code Description STR30 String 30 13 POLNESTA PO Line Status DDL_PO_Line_Status Integer 0 14 POSTATUS PO Status DDL_PO_Status Integer 0 15 QTYORDER QTY Ordered DLR17_QTY_RBS0_UTR Currency 17 16 QTYCOMTD QTY Committed DLR17_QTY_RBS0_UTR Currency 17 17 QTYINVCD QTY Invoiced DLR17_QTY_RBS0_UTR Currency 17 18 QTYCANCE QTY Canceled DLR17_QTY_RBS0_UTR Currency 17 19 QTYREJ QTY Rejected DLR17_QTY_RBS0_UTR Currency 17 20 QTY_Actual QTY Actual DLR17_QTY_RBS0_UTR Currency 17 21 UNITCOST Unit Cost DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ Currency 17 22 Retention_Pct Retention % DLR14_TS Currency 14 23 Retention_Amount_TTD Retention Amount TTD DLR14_TS Currency 14 24 TAXAMNT Tax Amount DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ Currency 17 25 FRTAMNT Freight Amount DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ Currency 17 26 Committed_Cost Committed Cost DLR19_TS Currency 19 27 Actual_Total_Cost Actual Total Cost DLR14_RBS0_STR$ Currency 14 28 WSPOText WSPOText STR15_LBAU String 15 29 Line_Number Line Number LI_Sequence_Number Long Integer 10 30 ADDRSEQ Address Sequence long Long Integer 8 31 SHIPMTHD Shipping Method STR15_Shipping_Method String 15 Key to the Shipping Methods Master (SY03000).
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['Wennsoft PO Integration Temp'].SHIPMTHD AS 'Wennsoft PO Integration Temp-Shipping Method'
,['Shipping Methods Master'].SHIPMTHD AS 'Shipping Methods Master-Shipping Method'
WSPRINT2 AS ['Wennsoft PO Integration Temp']
SY03000 AS ['Shipping Methods Master']
['Wennsoft PO Integration Temp'].SHIPMTHD = ['Shipping Methods Master'].SHIPMTHD
32 ADDRPROMPT Address Prompt STR20_LB String 20 33 CMPNYNAM Company Name STR64_Company_Name String 64 34 CONTACT Contact STR60 String 60 35 ADDRESS1 Address 1 STR60 String 60 36 ADDRESS2 Address 2 STR60 String 60 37 ADDRESS3 Address 3 STR60 String 60 38 CITY City STR35 String 35 39 STATE State STR30_State String 29 40 ZIPCODE Zip Code STR10 String 10 41 COUNTRY Country STR60 String 60 42 Project_Number WS Project Number STR170 String 17 43 TXTFIELD Text Field TX32000 Text 32000