Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/IVC30101
Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP (0)
Series: Sales
Display Name: Invoicing Transaction History Group Display Name: Invoice History
Physical Name: IVC30101
Technical Name: IVC_HDR_HIST
Group Technical Name: Invoice History
Seq No | Physical Name | Display Name | Dexterity Data Type | SQL Data Type | Length | |
1 | DOCTYPE | Document Type | Integer | DDL_Document_Type | 0 | |
2 | INVCNMBR | Invoice Number | String | STR20_IVC_Document_Number | 17 | |
3 | BACHNUMB | Batch Number | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
4 | BCHSOURC | Batch Source | String | STR15 | 15 | |
5 | PCKSLPNO | Packing Slip Number | String | STR20_IVC_Document_Number | 17 | |
6 | CUSTNMBR | Customer Number | String | STR15_RM_Customer_Number | 15 | |
Key to the RM Customer MSTR (RM00101).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].CUSTNMBR AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Customer Number'
,['RM Customer MSTR'].CUSTNMBR AS 'RM Customer MSTR-Customer Number'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
RM00101 AS ['RM Customer MSTR']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].CUSTNMBR = ['RM Customer MSTR'].CUSTNMBR | ||||||
7 | CUSTNAME | Customer Name | String | STR64_Customer_Name | 64 | |
8 | CSTPONBR | Customer PO Number | String | STR20_Document_Number | 20 | |
9 | POSTDATE | Post Date | Date | DT_Date | 6 | |
10 | GLPOSTDT | GL Posting Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
11 | DOCDATE | Document Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
12 | QUOTEDAT | Quote Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
13 | ORDRDATE | Order Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
14 | DISCDATE | Discount Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
15 | DUEDATE | Due Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
16 | HOLDNT | Hold NT | Boolean | CB | 0 | |
17 | SHIPMTHD | Shipping Method | String | STR15_Shipping_Method | 15 | |
Key to the Shipping Methods Master (SY03000).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].SHIPMTHD AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Shipping Method'
,['Shipping Methods Master'].SHIPMTHD AS 'Shipping Methods Master-Shipping Method'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
SY03000 AS ['Shipping Methods Master']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].SHIPMTHD = ['Shipping Methods Master'].SHIPMTHD | ||||||
18 | TAXEXMT1 | Tax Exempt 1 | String | STR25 | 25 | |
19 | TAXEXMT2 | Tax Exempt 2 | String | STR25 | 25 | |
20 | TAXSCHID | Tax Schedule ID | String | STR15_Tax_Schedule_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].TAXSCHID AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Tax Schedule ID'
,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].TAXSCHID = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID | ||||||
21 | FRTSCHID | Freight Schedule ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].FRTSCHID AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Freight Schedule ID'
,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].FRTSCHID = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID | ||||||
22 | FRGTTXBL | Freight Taxable | Integer | DDL_Tax_Options | 0 | |
23 | FRTTXAMT | Freight Tax Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBSO_UTR$ | 19 | |
24 | MSCSCHID | Misc Schedule ID | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].MSCSCHID AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Misc Schedule ID'
,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].MSCSCHID = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID | ||||||
25 | MISCTXBL | Misc Taxable | Integer | DDL_Tax_Options | 0 | |
26 | MSCTXAMT | Misc Tax Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBSO_UTR$ | 19 | |
27 | MRKDNAMT | Markdown Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
28 | SLPRSNID | Salesperson ID | String | STR15_Salesperson_ID | 15 | |
Key to the RM Salesperson Master (RM00301).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].SLPRSNID AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Salesperson ID'
,['RM Salesperson Master'].SLPRSNID AS 'RM Salesperson Master-Salesperson ID'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
RM00301 AS ['RM Salesperson Master']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].SLPRSNID = ['RM Salesperson Master'].SLPRSNID | ||||||
29 | SALSTERR | Sales Territory | String | STR15_Sales_Territory | 15 | |
Key to the Sales Territory Master File (RM00303).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].SALSTERR AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Sales Territory'
,['Sales Territory Master File'].SALSTERR AS 'Sales Territory Master File-Sales Territory'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
RM00303 AS ['Sales Territory Master File']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].SALSTERR = ['Sales Territory Master File'].SALSTERR | ||||||
30 | TXRGNNUM | Tax Registration Number | String | STR25 | 25 | |
31 | PYMTRMID | Payment Terms ID | String | STR20_Payment_Terms_ID | 20 | |
Key to the Payment Terms Master (SY03300).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].PYMTRMID AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Payment Terms ID'
,['Payment Terms Master'].PYMTRMID AS 'Payment Terms Master-Payment Terms ID'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
SY03300 AS ['Payment Terms Master']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].PYMTRMID = ['Payment Terms Master'].PYMTRMID | ||||||
32 | PRCLEVEL | PriceLevel | String | STR10_LBAU | 10 | |
33 | LOCNCODE | Location Code | String | STR10_Location_Code | 10 | |
Key to the Site Setup (IV40700).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].LOCNCODE AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Location Code'
,['Site Setup'].LOCNCODE AS 'Site Setup-Location Code'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
IV40700 AS ['Site Setup']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].LOCNCODE = ['Site Setup'].LOCNCODE | ||||||
34 | CURNCYID | Currency ID | String | STR15_Currency_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].CURNCYID AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Currency ID'
,['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID AS 'Currency Setup-Currency ID'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].CURNCYID = ['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID | ||||||
35 | COMMNTID | Comment ID | String | STR15_Comment_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Comment Master (SY04200).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].COMMNTID AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Comment ID'
,['Comment Master'].COMMNTID AS 'Comment Master-Comment ID'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
SY04200 AS ['Comment Master']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].COMMNTID = ['Comment Master'].COMMNTID | ||||||
36 | DOCAMNT | Document Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBSO_UTR$ | 19 | |
37 | SUBTOTAL | Subtotal | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
38 | FRTAMNT | Freight Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
39 | MISCAMNT | Misc Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
40 | TAXAMNT | Tax Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
41 | TXBTXAMT | Taxable Tax Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBSO_UTR$ | 19 | |
42 | TRDISAMT | Trade Discount Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
43 | ACCTAMNT | Account Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBS0_UTR$ | 19 | |
44 | PYMTRCVD | Payment Received | Currency | DLR19_RBS0_UTR$ | 19 | |
45 | CODAMNT | COD Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
46 | EXTDCOST | Extended Cost | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
47 | DISAVTKN | Discount Available Taken | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
48 | DISCRTND | Discount Returned | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_STR$ | 17 | |
49 | DISTKNAM | Discount Taken Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
50 | DISAVAMT | Discount Available Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBS0_UTR$ | 17 | |
51 | DSCDLRAM | Discount Dollar Amount | Currency | DLR11_RBS0_UTR$ | 11 | |
52 | DSCPCTAM | Discount Percent Amount | Integer | INT5_%2 | 5 | |
53 | PRBTADCD | Primary Billto Address Code | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
54 | PRSTADCD | Primary Shipto Address Code | String | STR15_LBAU | 15 | |
55 | CNTCPRSN | Contact Person | String | STR60 | 60 | |
56 | ADDRESS1 | Address 1 | String | STR60 | 60 | |
57 | ADDRESS2 | Address 2 | String | STR60 | 60 | |
58 | ADDRESS3 | Address 3 | String | STR60 | 60 | |
59 | CITY | City | String | STR35 | 35 | |
60 | STATE | State | String | STR30_State | 29 | |
61 | ZIPCODE | Zip Code | String | STR10 | 10 | |
62 | CCode | Country Code | String | STR6_VAT | 6 | |
Key to the VAT Country Code MSTR (VAT10001).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].CCode AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Country Code'
,['VAT Country Code MSTR'].CCode AS 'VAT Country Code MSTR-Country Code'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
VAT10001 AS ['VAT Country Code MSTR']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].CCode = ['VAT Country Code MSTR'].CCode | ||||||
63 | COUNTRY | Country | String | STR60 | 60 | |
64 | PHNUMBR1 | Phone Number 1 | String | Phone_Number | 14 | |
65 | PHNUMBR2 | Phone Number 2 | String | Phone_Number | 14 | |
66 | PHONE3 | Phone 3 | String | Phone_Number3 | 14 | |
67 | FAXNUMBR | Fax Number | String | STR14_FAX | 14 | |
68 | COMAPPTO | Commission Applied To | Integer | GB | 0 | |
69 | COMDLRAM | Commission Dollar Amount | Currency | DLR17_RBSO_STR$ | 17 | |
70 | NCOMAMNT | Non-Commissioned Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBS0_STR$ | 19 | |
71 | UPSZONE | UPS Zone | String | STR3 | 3 | |
72 | LSTUSRED | Last User to Edit | String | STR15 | 15 | |
Key to the Users Master (SY01400).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].LSTUSRED AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Last User to Edit'
,['Users Master'].USERID AS 'Users Master-User ID'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['Users Master']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].LSTUSRED = ['Users Master'].USERID | ||||||
73 | LSTEDTDT | Last Edit Date | Date | DT_Date | 6 | |
74 | MODIFDT | Modified Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
75 | CREATDDT | Created Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
76 | USER2ENT | User To Enter | String | STR15_User_ID | 15 | |
Key to the Users Master (SY01400).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].USER2ENT AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-User To Enter'
,['Users Master'].USERID AS 'Users Master-User ID'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['Users Master']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].USER2ENT = ['Users Master'].USERID | ||||||
77 | NOTEINDX | Note Index | Currency | DLR14 | 14 | |
Key to the Record Notes Master (SY03900).
Click to show/hideSELECT
['Invoicing Transaction History'].NOTEINDX AS 'Invoicing Transaction History-Note Index'
,['Record Notes Master'].NOTEINDX AS 'Record Notes Master-Note Index'
IVC30101 AS ['Invoicing Transaction History']
SY03900 AS ['Record Notes Master']
['Invoicing Transaction History'].NOTEINDX = ['Record Notes Master'].NOTEINDX | ||||||
78 | TIMESPRT | Times Printed | Integer | INT4_U0 | 4 | |
79 | NOCARTNS | Number Of Cartons | Integer | INT4_U0 | 4 | |
80 | USERDEF1 | User Defined 1 | String | STR20 | 20 | |
81 | USERDEF2 | User Defined 2 | String | STR20 | 20 | |
82 | VOIDSTTS | Void Status | Integer | INT | 0 | |
83 | TRXSORCE | TRX Source | String | STR13 | 13 | |
84 | LNITMSEQ | Line Item Sequence | Long Integer | LI_Sequence_Number | 10 | |
85 | COMMENT | Comment | STR50 | String | 50 | |
86 | COMMENT_1 | Comment[1] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
87 | COMMENT_2 | Comment[2] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
88 | COMMENT_3 | Comment[3] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
89 | COMMENT_4 | Comment[4] | String | STR50 | 50 | |
90 | ECTRX | EC Transaction | Boolean | CB_EC_Transaction | 0 | |
The field is set to true for each VAT Line Analysis record, if the user marks the transaction as being an EC Transaction.
Click to show/hide Document Printed flag
0 Not an EU Transaction.
1 EU Transaction. | ||||||
91 | ShipToName | ShipToName | String | STR64_Customer_Name | 64 | |
92 | Tax_Date | Tax Date | Date | DT | 8 | |
93 | APLYWITH | Apply Withholding | Boolean | Boolean | 0 | |
94 | WITHHAMT | Withholding Amount | Currency | DLR19_RBSO_UTR$ | 19 | |
95 | CMMTTEXT | Comment Text | Text | TX500 | 500 |