Seq No | Product Name | Series Name | Table Physical Name | Table Display Name | Field Physical Name | Field Display Name |
1 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Company | coAccoun | Account Cache | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
2 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Company | DS10000 | dsFilterJoinView | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
3 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | AF00100 | Financials Subsidiary Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
4 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Breakdown Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
5 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Breakdown Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
6 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Breakdown Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
7 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Breakdown Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
8 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Account Master Copy A | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
9 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Account Master Copy A | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
10 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Account Master Copy A | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
11 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Account Master Copy A | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
12 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Distribution Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
13 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Distribution Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
14 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Distribution Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
15 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Distribution Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
16 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
17 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
18 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
19 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100 | Account Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
20 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100F1 | Account Master Filter1 | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
21 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100F2 | Account Master Filter2 | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
22 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100F3 | Account Master Filter3 | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
23 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00100F4 | Account Master Filter4 | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
24 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00105 | Account Index Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
25 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL00201 | Budget Summary Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
26 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL01201 | GL_Budget_SUM_MSTR_View | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
27 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL10110 | Account Current Summary Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
28 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL10111 | Account Summary History | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
29 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL11110 | Account Summary Master View | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
30 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | GL11111 | Account Summary History View | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
31 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | IEGLTRXI | ieTrxGLImport | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
32 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | LK000003 | Trx Matching Link Line | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
33 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | LK000103 | Trx Matching Link Line History | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
34 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | SE000401 | Account Rollups Account Period Detail | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
35 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | SE00400 | Account Rollups Account Detail | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
36 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | SE810000 | Account Rollups Account List | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
37 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Financial | SE90001 | Account Rollups Account List Accelerator | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
38 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | Purchasing | PM40108 | Credit Card Account Setup | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
39 | Microsoft Dynamics GP (0) | System | SY03003 | Account Definition Template | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
40 | WennSoft Products (131) | Financial | GL50101 | JC Allocation Amounts Temporary | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
41 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB110002 | Cashbook Batch Header | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
42 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB111005 | History Recon Cheque Trn | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
43 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB220003 | Bank Transfers Table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
44 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB330001 | Recon Batch Header | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
45 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB330009 | Cashbook Historical Print table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
46 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB330222 | Recon Receipts Transaction | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
47 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB332222 | Deposit Transaction | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
48 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB333002 | Deposit Recurring | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
49 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB333222 | Cash Receipt Transaction | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
50 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB333555 | History Recon Deposit Transaction | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
51 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB441111 | Recon Deposit Transaction | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
52 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB550005 | Cashbook Print table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
53 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB770006 | History Recon Batch Header | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
54 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB777001 | Recon Cheque Transaction | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
55 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB800666 | Tax Table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
56 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB880004 | History Bank Transfers Table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
57 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB888002 | Check Transaction | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
58 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB888066 | Recurring Tax Table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
59 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB900002 | Sundry Creditors | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
60 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB900020 | Bank Transfers Reports Table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
61 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB900037 | Check Recurring | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
62 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB900050 | Voiding Report Table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
63 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB900666 | Tax History | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
64 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB911115 | Payments Import table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
65 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB990019 | History Bank Transfers To Table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
66 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CB990021 | Bank Transfers To Table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
67 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CBDEP002 | Import Deposit Transaction | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
68 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CBDEP004 | Import Deposit Setup | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
69 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CBEU1007 | CE Tax Table | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
70 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CBEU1102 | CE Transaction Work | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
71 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CBEUH107 | CE Tax Table History | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
72 | Cashbook (1058) | Financial | CBEUH122 | CE Transaction Work Hist | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
73 | Cashbook (1058) | System | CBINT001 | CB Inter comp Chequebook Master | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
74 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
75 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
76 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
77 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
78 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
79 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
80 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
81 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
82 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
83 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
84 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
85 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
86 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
87 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
88 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
89 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
90 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
91 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
92 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
93 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_8003zo | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
94 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
95 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
96 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
97 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
98 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
99 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
100 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
101 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
102 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
103 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
104 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
105 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
106 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
107 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
108 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
109 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
110 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
111 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
112 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
113 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
114 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
115 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
116 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
117 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
118 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
119 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
120 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
121 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
122 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
123 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
124 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
125 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
126 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
127 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
128 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
129 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
130 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
131 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
132 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
133 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_OLD | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
134 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
135 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
136 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
137 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
138 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
139 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
140 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
141 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
142 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
143 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
144 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
145 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
146 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
147 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
148 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
149 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
150 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
151 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
152 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
153 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8001L | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
154 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
155 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
156 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
157 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
158 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
159 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
160 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
161 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
162 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
163 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
164 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
165 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
166 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
167 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
168 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
169 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
170 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
171 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
172 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
173 | Advanced Bank Reconciliation (2440) | Financial | NCABR308 | NC_CB_Report_LINE_HIST_v8003o | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
174 | Advanced VAT (2474) | Financial | NCVIM101 | NC_VATImport_LINE_INTF | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
175 | Advanced VAT (2474) | Financial | NCVIM201 | NC_VATImport_LINE_SAVE | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |
176 | Advanced VAT (2474) | Financial | NCVIM301 | NC_VATImport_LINE_REJT | ACTNUMBR_8 | Account Number:Account_Segment_Pool8 |